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Vollstфndige Unterstќtzung nationaler Sprachen auf unserem Web-Site gibt Ihnen eine Mіglichkeit Transliterationweise, die Ihnen anpaпt, zu wфhlen. Die Standardliste mіglicher Transliterationen schloп ein:
• deutsche Transliteration nach RAK Normen.
• vereinfachte Transliteration schloп keine Symbole mit diakritischen Zeichen ein. Statt solcher Symbole wird Lateinschrift angewendet. Solche Transliterationweise wird auf unserem Web-Site default-Wert gebraucht.
• Bibliothek des Kongreпes (BK) Transliteration beruht auf das Prinzip nicht-lateinische Symbole Ersetzung mit Lateinschrift mit diakritischen Zeichen.
• das Kodeschema Unicode stellt die genauste Information dar. Es zeigt einzigartige Charakteristiken nationaler Sprachen. Aber Sie brauchen das Kodeschema Unicode in Ihrem Browser aufzustellen.
Benachrichtigen Sie uns welche Transliterationstandards Ihre Bibliothek benutzt und wir werden das nіtige Kodeschema hinzufќgen, um Sie eine Mіglichkeit zu geben unsere Angaben Ihren Forderungen gemфп durchzusehen!

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Interface Sprache

Unsere Web-Site fќhrt die Unterstќtzung nationaler Sprachen aus. Default-Wert ist die englische Sprache gebraucht.

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In order to facilitate your library's work with MIPP International we can present our catalogue data in MARC 21 format transliterated according to the Library of Congress (LoC) standards. You can see these records on-line on our site or you can receive the records free of charge on disc, paper or via email. The records conform to the latest standards and updates. We will provide the records in full compatibility with your requirements: field set, format of bibliographic records, ordering system, call numbers, subject list, etc.

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Vernacular Language Support

Now we are able to present records not only in Russian, but also in original Armenian, Azeri, Belarusian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Tajik, Turkmenian, and Ukrainian languages in our printed and e-mail catalogs.
Unicode is the most accurate information output mode. It presents unique characters used in national alphabets. Implementing of UNICODE symbols provided us with characters for all national languages. It means:
• providing authors' names and titles of books in national alphabets;
• making correct transliteration of all national bibliographical records;
• supporting Library of Congress romanization in our catalogs and on our web-site;
• supporting any transliteration table of your choice (DIN, GOST, ISO, UNI etc.).
Note: You need the Unicode support installed in your browser to view our records in the vernacular languages.

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My Bookshelf

An additional list of the most interesting titles is supported through "My Bookshelf" option. We save all titles added to bookshelf in your profile and you can easily return to viewing them later. Titles from your bookshelf can be sent to your cart with one mouse-click.

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List of publication recently viewed

The last 10 items you have viewed are automatically saved in your profile.

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Zlatov .A.A.

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