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Paulo Coelho.
Nairobi: 2022. ISBN 9789966634436.

Mugo Theuri.
Nairobi: 2023. ISBN 9789914962130 .
Mugo Theuri was plucked from his reporting job at the lawcourts in Nakuru after barely three months in post and driven to Nairobi for what would turn ...

Shiraz Durrani.
Nairobi : 2023. ISBN 9789966133120 .
The struggle between socialism and capitalism in Kenya has been long, bitter and violent. Capitalism won with the active support of USA and UK governm...

Willy Mutunga.
Nairobi : 2022. ISBN 9789914992199.
For over 30 years, Willy Mutunga has blazed the trail in starting many important public conversations about remaking Kenya and the wider world into a ...

Oduora Ong'wen.
Nairobi: 2022. ISBN 9789914962192.
Few events in Kenya's recent history have captured the imagination of the nation as those of the period from the late 1970s. Between the pages of this...

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