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 3 title(s) for $275
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Selemenev V.D. i dr. (comp.).
Minsk: 2023. ISBN 978-985-6372-96-7.
In September 1946, the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR adopted Law on the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of th...
V sentiabre 1946 h. Verkhovnyi Sovet BSSR prènial Zakon o piatèletnem plane vosstanovlenèia è razvètèia narodnoho khoziaistva respublèkè na 1946—1950 hh., iav...

Minsk: 2008. ISBN 978-985-6372-58-5.
The edition represents the annotated list of archival cases. Illustrated with facsimile copies of some documents on art paper.

Pase U.
Vypusk 1: Mіnsk: 2004.
The book contains the works by the eminent Belarusian historian U.Pase, works devoted to his life and work, memoirs and short stories written by vario...

Kurkov I.N.
Minsk: 2001. ISBN 985-6372-20-8.
Vileika region has entered the republic of Belarus not long before the Nazi invasion on the territory of the USSR. Yet there took place some agricultu...
$18.00  Special price: $8.00

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