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Moldanov T.
Tomsk: Salekhard: 1999. ISBN 5-7511-1071-4.
This is the first work devoted to the mythological picture of the world reflected in one of the brightest events of khant culture - bear's holiday or ...

Mirek A.
M.: 2000. ISBN 5-7834-0054-8.
The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the period of formation, development and stabilization of the Soviet power and its influence on the domest...

Novichkov N., Snegovskii V., et al.
M.: Parizh: 1995.
This book represents one of the first attempts to carry out a comprehensive analysis of operations conducted by the Russian Armed Forces in the course...
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