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Dubovik D.V. i dr.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2549-0.
The book summarizes the biological and environmental features of 52 species of the most harmful alien vascular plants, widely distributed in natural a...
V knèhe obobùeny svedenèia o bèolohècheskèkh, ekolohècheskèkh osobennostiakh 52 vèdov naèbolee vredonosnykh chuzherodnykh sosudèstykh rastenèi, shèroko rasprostran...

Minsk: 2016. ISBN 978-985-7097-56-2.
A brief history of the development of the information technology industry of the Republic of Belarus on the example of key enterprises in the context ...
Kratkaia èstorèia razvètèia otraslè ènformatsèonnykh tekhnolohèi RB na prèmere kliuchevykh predprèiatèi v kontekste stanovlenèia Parka Vysokèkh Tekhnolohèi.

Remishevskii K.I.
Kniga 3: Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-06-3039-1; 978-985-06-2408-6.
The third and final book of the trilogy introduces the reader to the extensive and varied chronicle of Belarus, established in recent decades, the era...
Tret'ia, zakliuchètel'naia knèha trèlohèè znakomèt chètatelia s obshèrnoi è mno­hoobraznoi kènoletopès'iu Belarusè, sozdannoi v poslednèe desiatèletèia epokhè kè...

Remishevskii K.I.
Kniga 2: Minsk: 2017. ISBN 978-985-06-2858-9; 978-985-06-2408-6.
The second book of the trilogy devoted to the study of Belarusian chronicle covers the years 1954-1969 - an event rich and extremely fruitful in the c...
Vtoraia knèha trèlohèè, posviaùennoi èssledovanèiu belorusskoi kènoletopèsè, okhvatyvaet 1954–1969 hody – sobytèino nasyùennyi è chrezvychaino plodotv...

Anishchenko E.K.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-7219-10-0.
For the first time, the book presents in detail the alphabetical lists of the untitled gentry of the Minsk Voivodeship throughout the eighteenth centu...
V knèhe vpervye podrobno predstavleny alfavètnye spèskè netètulovannoi shliakhty Mènskoho voevodstva na protiazhenèè vseho XVIII stoletèia. Prèvodèmye danny...

Saverchenko I.V.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-599-150-3.
Lev Ivanovich Sapega (April 4, 1557, Ostrovno, now the Beshenkovichi district, Belarus - July 7, 1633, Vilna) - statesman and military leader of the G...
Lev Èvanovèch Sapeha (4 aprelia 1557, Ostrovno, nyne Beshenkovèchskèi raion, Belorussèia — 7 èiulia 1633, Vèl'na) — hosudarstvennyi è voennyi deiatel' Velèkoh...

Vabishchevich A.N. (comp.).
Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-11-1176-9.
The book is dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Brest, one of the oldest cities in Belarus, which has passed the glorious path from the ancient set...
Knèha posviaùena 1000-letèiu Bresta - odnoho èz drevneishèkh horodov Belarusè, proshedsheho slavnyi put' ot horodèùa na rechnom myse do tsvetuùeho, iarkoho, sa...

Gusakov E.V.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2530-8.
Theory and Monograph is a major development of an urgent national-economic problem, containing the latest theory and methodology for creating and effi...
Monohrafèia iavliaetsia krupnoi razrabotkoi aktual'noi narodno-khoziaistvennoi problemy, soderzhaùei noveishuiu teorèiu è metodolohèiu sozdanèia è effektèvnoho fu...

Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-90441-9-9.

Sudilovskaia N.V.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-7203-18-5.
The collection includes the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 No. 90-Z "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Rules of Consumer Se...
V sbornèk vkliucheny Zakon Respublèkè Belarus' ot 9 ianvaria 2002 h. ¹90-Z "O zaùète prav potrebètelei", Pravèla bytovoho obsluzhèvanèia potrebètelei, Pravè...
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