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1998/1999: M.: 1998.
The reference book includes full information connected with federal bodies of executive and legislative power, governmental bodies, judicial system an...

The reference book includes full information connected with federal bodies of executive and legislative power, governmental bodies, judicial system an...

The reference book includes full information connected with federal bodies of executive and legislative power, governmental bodies, judicial system an...

Novikov S.
Omsk: 2000.
The complex problems of interaction of political forces and legislative and executive powers in Western Siberia during election campaigns, referendums...

The complex problems of interaction of political forces and legislative and executive powers in Western Siberia during election campaigns, referendums...

The complex problems of interaction of political forces and legislative and executive powers in Western Siberia during election campaigns, referendums...

The complex problems of interaction of political forces and legislative and executive powers in Western Siberia during election campaigns, referendums...

Vypusk 10: Barnaul: 2000. ISBN 5-7904-0189-9.
This issue represents a collection of reports delivered at the Scientific Conference on 15-16 of July in 2000 and is devoted to the topic "Russia afte...
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