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M.: 1998.
Social and economical changes always coincide with spiritual growth of the human, and development of humanistic potential of the society. These proble...

Social and economical changes always coincide with spiritual growth of the human, and development of humanistic potential of the society. These proble...

M.: 2000.
The offered book contains materials from the round table that took place in Moscow in April, 1999. Geopolitical aspects of the present situation in th...

Klimchuk E.
M.: 2000. ISBN -.
The book is devoted to the problem of capital punishment's application in Russia from the great antiquity up to the beginning of the XXIst century. Th...

The book is devoted to the problem of capital punishment's application in Russia from the great antiquity up to the beginning of the XXIst century. Th...

Volume 2: Book 2: M.: 1998. ISBN 0-87003-147-3.
for annotation see vol. 2 part 1.
$40.00  Special price: $20.00

for annotation see vol. 2 part 1.

for annotation see vol. 2 part 1.

for annotation see vol. 2 part 1.

for annotation see vol. 2 part 1.

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Seliverstov V.I.
Saga o Kotovske.

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