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Maliukovich V.N.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: 2023. ISBN 978-5-907448-50-6.
The book summarizes scholarly, popular science and literary materials on the ethnography and history of the indigenous peoples of Kamchatka, accumulat...
Kniga obobshchaet nauchnye, nauchno-populiarnye i literaturnye materialy po etnografii i istorii aborigennykh narodov Kamchatki, nakoplennye i chastichno opubli...

Tom XLVIII: Vladivostok: 2023. ISBN 978-5-9736-0691-6.

Tkacheva G.A. (ed.).
Vypusk 4: KHabarovsk: 2020. ISBN 978-5-94961-136-4.
V sbornik, posviashchionnyi 75-letiiu #Pobeda, voshli nauchnye stat'i po problemam, otrazhaiushchim istoricheskie, sotsial'no-politicheskie, kul'turnye i inye protsess...

KHisamutdinov A.A., CHi IUichao, Lian In, IAn IUe, Bai Siue et al.
Tom 1: Vladivostok: 2022. ISBN 978-5-7444-5391-6; 978-5-7444-5504-0.
The publication is devoted to the research results of graduate students Chi Yuchao (“Russian higher education in China in the first half of the 20th c...
Izdanie posviashcheno rezul'tatam issledovanii aspirantov CHi IUichao («Russkoe vysshee obrazovanie v Kitae v pervoi polovine XX v. Na primere IUridicheskogo fa...

KHisamutdinov A.A., CHi IUichao, Lian In, IAn IUe, Bai Siue et al.
Tom 2: Vladivostok: 2023. ISBN 978-5-7444-5505-7; 978-5-7444-5504-0.
The publication is devoted to the continuation of the results of research conducted under the scientific guidance of professor A.A. Khisamutdinov: Yan...
Izdanie posviashcheno prodolzheniiu rezul'tatov issledovanii, provodimykh pod nauchnym rukovodstvom professora DVFU A.A. KHisamutdinova: IAn IUe («Rossiisko-kita...

Kolpakov N.V. (ed.).
Vladivostok: 2022. ISBN 978-5-8044-1722-3.
The publication includes memoirs of both famous Russian scientists, whose scientific activities began and took place within the walls of the institute...
Izdanie vkliuchaet v sebia vospominaniia kak izvestnykh rossiiskikh uchenykh, ch'ia nauchnaia deiatel'nost' nachinalas' i prokhodila v stenakh instituta, tak i nyneshn...

Praskova O.S. (ed.).
Blagoveshchensk: 2023. ISBN 978-5-6048253-6-5.
Fotorasskaz «Na dvukh beregakh reki Amur» osveshchaet kompleks meropriiatii, formiruiushchii sistemu raboty Amurskoi oblastnoi nauchnoi biblioteki imeni N. N. ...

Levkina E.V., Lialina ZH.I., Loksha A.V., et al.
Vladivostok: 2023. ISBN 978-5-7444-5520-0.
V pervoi glave raskryvaiutsia teoretiko-metodicheskie podkhody k issledovaniiu ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti regiona, obosnovyvaetsia vzaimosviaz' ekonomicheskoi...

Dobrotvorskii N.V.
Magadan: 2023. ISBN 978-5-906641-99-1.
Kniga adresovana vsem, kto liubit Magadan, uvlechen istoriei, kraevedeniem i khochet uznat' novoe o gorode, uvidet' prezhde neizvestnye snimki raznykh let. ...

Magadan: 2023. ISBN 978-5-6050972-2-8.
The book contains information about all the settlements of the territory, both existing and those that have become part of history.
V knige sobrany svedeniia obo vsekh poseleniiakh territorii, kak sushchestvuiushchikh, tak i stavshikh dostoianiem istorii. V knigu voshla informatsiia o 227 naselennykh...
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