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Spiridonova L.A. (ed.).
Vypusk 8: M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-9208-0276-6.
$49.00  Special price: $24.00

Trenin D., Mikheev M.
At the beginning of the XXIst century Japan took a new turn in its development. Tokyo is striving to occupy a different place in the world politics co...
$9.00  Special price: $1.00

M.: 2007. ISBN 5-89164-180-8.
Among the world museums the State Historical museum occupies a very significant and honorable place. Nowadays within the walls of this museum a great ...
$77.00  Special price: $38.00

Smit P.CH.
M.: 2007. ISBN 97S-5-17-042301-9; 97S-5-9713-4905-1; 97S-5-9762-2573-2 .
This book by a famous English researcher P.C.Smith is dedicated to the history of a dive bomber from the appearance of airplanes of such a class till...
$28.00  Special price: $14.00

Vadzhra A.
M.: 2007. ISBN 5-17-037370-8; 5-271-14109-8; 5-17-042333-0; 5-271-16194-3 .
The investigation presents the systemic analysis of Occidental civilization. It integrates social-political, spiritual-psychological, cultural and geo...
$24.00  Special price: $12.00

IUsupov K.N.
M.: 2006. ISBN 5-85971-470-X.
Regional economy is viewed as the essential constituent part in the system of national economy. The book provides a thorough description of the method...
$23.00  Special price: $11.00

Timofeeva O.F.
M.: 2007. ISBN 5-91150-002-7.
$22.00  Special price: $11.00

Stefanovskii P.M.
M.: 2007. ISBN 5-203-01982-7.
The sketches of the oldest test-pilot, Hero of the USSR, general-major of aviation P.M.Stafanovsky (1903-1976) contain detailed information about the ...
$23.00  Special price: $11.00

M.: 2006. ISBN 5-85285-848-X.
This book presents the continuation of the year-book publication. Here the reader can find memorable calendar dates, brief sketches about composers, p...
$22.00  Special price: $11.00

Kononova M.M. (ed.).
M.: 2007. ISBN 5-94067-194-2.
This collection is based on the materials of the interdisciplinary round-table discussion “History and Contemporaneity of Russian Emigrants: Parallels...
$24.00  Special price: $12.00

Gulding M.
Vypusk 2: M.: 2007.
This work is devoted to the management problems and the opportunities of reforming of the UN, as well as to the peace-building, namely, to the program...
$25.00  Special price: $12.00

Vypusk 1: M.: 2007.
This issue contains the extensive materials of “the round-table discussion”, held on January 23, 2007, which was dedicated to the current situation in...
$25.00  Special price: $12.00

IAnvar'/Fevral' 2007: M.: 2007.
Nowadays the symptoms of the global failure in finding the solution of the problems, concerning nuclear weapons, one of the most destructive of existi...
$25.00  Special price: $12.00

Fenkner Dzh., Gorvat D.
Volume April 2003: M.: 2003.
This volume provides extensive data on the stock market fall in March, as well as on the benefit of fellowship and the harm of quarrels among countrie...
$29.00  Special price: $5.00

Fenkner Dzh., Gorvat D.
Volume March 2003: M.: 2003.
This volume provides an answer to the question: What force moves the market? A thorough analysis carried out by specialists allows to forecast the mar...
$28.00  Special price: $14.00

Fenkner Dzh., Gorvat D.
Volume December 2002: M.: 2002.
This volume touches upon a wide range of such burning questions, as: What will the year 2003 bring to the Russian market? Will Russia manage to hold i...
$29.00  Special price: $14.00

Fateeva N.A.
M.: 2006. ISBN 5-902785-03-0.
This edition contains the materials of the International scientific conference “Literary text as a dynamic system”, held on the 19th-22th of May 2005 ...
$35.00  Special price: $17.00

Gordenev M.IU.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-901679-42-5.
This historical work represents a re-edition of the book written by a former officer of the Russian Imperial Fleet M.J.Gordenev, published abroad afte...
$32.00  Special price: $16.00

SHalev M.
M.: 2005. ISBN 5-7516-0498-9 .
This book represents the novel by the most popular modern writer from Israel M.Shalev, which is published in Russian for the first time. The main hero...
$27.00  Special price: $6.00

Kozyrev O.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-9689-0087-6.
O.Kozyrev, a politician and the author of humorous notes on the different aspects of life, made many Internet users laugh boisterously.
$28.00  Special price: $14.00

Smolenskii A.P., Krasnianskii E.V.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-9697-0413-8.
An unusual legal procedure practically blows up the regular life of a provincial town. Love is judged. All power of the state machine befalls the you...
$26.00  Special price: $13.00

Sizova T.I.
M.: 2007. ISBN 5-89076-I52-2.
$26.00  Special price: $13.00

Zeman 3., SHarlau U.
M.: 2007. ISBN 97S-5-9524-2941-3.
In the socialistic circles a politician Alexander Gelfand was known under the pseudonym Parvus. In their investigation the authors restored the verita...
$26.00  Special price: $9.00

Zotov G. A.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-373-01009-2.
Pushkin sells bus tickets at the kiosk. Saddam Hussein acts in the cheap advertisement. Marilyn Monroe miniaturized her bust to zero… At this place th...
$27.00  Special price: $13.00

Gorodetskaia E.V.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-9765-0058-7; 978-5-02-034691-8 .
This guide provides several texts by A.S.Pushkin (“The Shot”, “The Station Master”) as well as the materials on the places connected with Pushkin’s ac...
$14.00  Special price: $7.00

Korol'kova A.V.
M.: 2007. ISBN 987-5-9765-0096-9; 978-5-02-034751-9 .
People have always been interested in a sharp and wise word. The appearance of the first collections of aphorisms dates back to the times of Ancient E...
$23.00  Special price: $9.00

M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-8243-0854-9.
This book presents the collection of documents about the history of the ministerial system in the Russian Empire (1802-1917). It contains numerous his...
$65.00  Special price: $32.00

SHliakhtinskii K.V.
Vypusk 3: M.: 2007. ISBN 5-9900174-9-9.
This is a popular scientific edition, which reflects reliably an extremely interesting period of the rise and development of motor transport on the te...
$95.00  Special price: $47.00

Aksakov I.S.
M.: 1994.
$16.00  Special price: $6.00

Kara-Murza S.G.
M.: 2007. ISBN 978-5-901-83848-3.
The new book by S.G.Kara-Murza provides an extensive analysis of such phenomenon as manipulation of human consciousness realized by the ruling elite a...
$32.00  Special price: $16.00
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