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7 Einrägen gefunden:
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Kravchenko V.T. .
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: 2018. ISBN 978-5-9610-0304-8.
The Portrait Gallery “Kamchatka Testimonies” presents the key figures of Kamchatka history and present time who contributed a lot to the development o...
V al'bome privedeny biografii liudei, vkliuchennykh v Galereiu, i svedeniia o khudozhnikakh, sozdavavshikh portrety. V al'bome napechatany izbrannye otzyvy o "Skr...

Krasheninnikov S.P.
Vypusk 4: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii: 2018. ISBN 978-5-906904-28-1.
The edition of 1949 enlarged with commentaries of modern scholars.
Izdanie 2018 goda iavliaetsia bolee rasshirennoi versiei akademicheskogo "Opisaniia zemli Kamchatki" 1949 goda za schet kommentariev (utochnenii i dopolnenii) ...

Petenko S.G.
Vladivostok: 2018. ISBN 978-5-93577-171-3.
2000 images of Vladivostok phaleristics items from the end of the XIXth century up to the present day.
Eto istoriia goroda Vladivostoka v znachkakh, zhetonakh i medaliakh. V knige soderzhitsia bolee 2000 izobrazhenii predmetov faleristiki s kontsa XIX v. do nashikh ...

Larin V.L. (ed.).
Vladivostok: 2017. ISBN 978-5-9906119-6-2.
The work is devoted to the analysis of the current state of multilateral interactions in the Arctic region in the context of growing interest and incl...
Rabota kollektiva avtorov posviashchena analizu sovremennogo sostoianiia mnogostoronnikh mezhgosudarstvennykh vzaimodeistvii v Arkticheskom regione v kontekste ...

KHisamutdinova N.V.
Vladivostok: 2017. ISBN 978-5-9736-0403-5.
The book by Natalia KHisamutdinova, Doctor of History.
KHisamutdinova Natal'ia Vladimirovna - Doktor istoricheskikh nauk.

Romantsov V.
Kniga 2: Blagoveshchensk: 2014.

Tolokontseva O.A. (ed.).
Vypusk 3: Magadan: 2018. ISBN 978-5-906641-36-6.
On history of Kolyma and Chukotka.

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