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Blazhevichius P., Pilichiauskiene G., Zarankaite-Margiene T., Micelicaite V.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786090709771.
This collective monograph is devoted to the history of dogs that lived in Lithuania in the 13th-18th centuries. By studying their bones, traces found ...

Rastauskas R.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786098205329.
Rolandas Rastauskas (born 1954) is a poet, essayist, playwright, translator, associate professor at Klaipeda University.

Marcinkevichius M., Itagaki L.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786099629568.
World War II is raging in the world. The front passes through Lithuania, dragging heavy leaden legs. After the Germans left, the Russians came and beg...

Tapiniene V.
Vilnius: 2024. ISBN 9786094667961.
Violeta Tapiniene is a legendary teacher of Lithuanian language and literature. In this book of essays are the thoughts of a mature, extraordinary per...

Almonaitis V.
Vilnius: 2024. ISBN 9786098063226.
A scientific monograph, the subject of which is Kaunas or its borders in 1369-1402.

Kashauskiene V.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786098219692.
Vanda Simonyte-Kasauskiene (born 1934) is a Soviet historian and party activist.

Kazlauskiene A., Dereshkevichiute S., Sabonyte R.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786094675775.

Galkiene A., Monkevichiene O.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786094675690.
In this study analyzes the processes in the "tectonic" break of the socio-educational reality, when under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, edu...

Petrauskaite ZH., Gudas E.
Vilnius: 2024. ISBN 9786090158999.
The Gediminids is a dynasty of Lithuanian rulers whose strength was tried and respected by all of Europe. Every Lithuanian will say: these are the rul...

Balkus M.
Vilnius: 2023. ISBN 9786094675508.
In the monograph examines the Lithuanianization of society and public space in the city of Kaunas in 1918-1940. The term Lithuanianization in this pap...
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