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Dungaciu D.
Volume 1,2: Bucuresti: 2017. ISBN 978-606-8516-98-1.
The encyclopedia of international relations consists of 479 articles in alphabetical order. They define and analyze the terms of reference in the theo...

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel.
Bucuresti: 2004. ISBN 973-576-593-4.
The book was originally published in Spanish in 2002, with an English translation by Edith Grossman published in 2003. Living to Tell the Tale tells ...
$28.00  Special price: $14.00

Andrei Marga .
Bucharest: 2020. ISBN 9786060064435.
In Professor Andrei Marga's book, an extensive and erudite analysis of the historical ties between Europe and Israel explores how Jews influenced the ...
 êíèãå ïðîôåññîðà Àíäðåÿ Ìàðãè îáøèðíûé è ýðóäèðîâàííûé àíàëèç èñòîðè÷åñêèõ ñâÿçåé ìåæäó Åâðîïîé è Èçðàèëåì èññëåäóåò, êàê åâðåè ïîâëèÿëè íà èñòîðèþ ...

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