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Bahdanovich I.
Minsk: 2001. ISBN 985-08-0459-9.
This is a fundamental investigation of the literary process in Belarus over the period of 1901-1955. The proposed critical articles reveal the specifi...
$15.00  Special price: $5.00

Kaval' IAn.
Mensk: 2002.
The brochure is devoted to General Dzmitry Kasmovich, his participation in World War II and political activities after it.
$9.00  Special price: $2.00

Maliauka M.A.
Minsk: 1991. ISBN 5-340-00652-2.
$18.00  Special price: $3.00

Hurski A., Piatrouskaia H., Salavei L.
Kniha 3: Minsk: 2002. ISBN 985-08-0502-1.
$16.00  Special price: $5.00

2002: Minsk: 2002. ISBN 985-6672-23-6.
The edition contains statistical data characterizing all the aspects concerning fertility in the republic - number of registered and unregistered marr...
$14.00  Special price: $4.00

Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-08-0561-7.
The collection presents investigations of the Belarusian scientists in Slavonic history and philology. The materials cover a wide range of questions i...
$25.00  Special price: $3.00

Vypusk 4: Minsk: 1984.
The proposed edition is a striking example of original Belarusian language. The dictionary gives explanations and grammatical analysis of the Belarusi...
$13.00  Special price: 3.00

IArosh M.
Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-08-0577-3.
The author of the book analyzes life and creative activities of the outstanding Belarusian poet Ianka Kupala (1882-1942). The research is based on a w...
$19.00  Special price: $5.00

Arsen'neva N.
Mіnsk: 1993. ISBN 5-340-01267-0.
Collection by a Belarusian poetess of the beginning of the XXth century Natalia Arsenneva. Her poems reflect feelings on different events in her life:...
$14.00  Special price: 2.00

Belaia S.
Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-6576-77-6.
The book is devoted to the famous writer, classic of Belarusian literature, publicist, literary critic, translator, and to Yaroslavl city that inspire...
$17.00  Special price: 6.00

Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-6806-14-3.
The book is devoted to the memory of Konstantin Sannikov, an actor and outstanding Belarusian director, professor, people's artist, head of creative g...
$17.00  Special price: $5.00

Drapezo P.
Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-6783-19-4.
The biographical story by a contemporary Belarusian writer tells about formation of a man who passed through the war.
$14.00  Special price: 6.00

KHaritonchik Z.A., Zadvornaia E.G., Zubov A.V.
CHast' 1, 2: Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-460-145-5.
The conference program covered the widest range of discussions on the problems of nomination and discourse. The problems of nomination were considered...
Prohramma konferentsèè okhvatyvala samyi shèrokèi spektr obsuzhdenèia problem nomènatsèè è dèskursa. Problemy nomènatsèè rassmatrèvalès' v samykh raznykh rakur...
$18.00   Special price:

Dubrouski A.U.
Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-90065-1-2.
The research represents regularities of rhythmic organization as component of R.Baradulin's poetics, analyses wide spectrum of rhyme forms in his poet...
$10.00  Special price: $5.00

Minsk: 2007.
A copy with CD is available (BEL08871a).
$12.00  Special price: $4.00

Minsk: 2007.
$18.00  Special price: $8.00

Minsk: 2007. ISBN 978-985-500-116-5.
$10.00  Special price: $4.00

Morozova L.
Minsk: 2007. ISBN 978-985-460-178-6.
The book is devoted to research on the issue of individual variability in language and speech; it grounds the nature of unmotivated individual variati...
$8.00  Special price: $5.00

Vitsebsk: 2007.
Folk art objects and the reference information on the participants.
$5.00  Special price: 4.00

CHast` 1,2: Minsk: 2007. ISBN 978-985-460-196-0.
The works of the students of Minsk State Linguistic University on pedagogics, psychology, methodology, stylistics, linguistics, grammar, foreign liter...
$32.00   Special price:
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