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Abramov D.M.
M.: 2006. ISBN 5-9265-0278-0.
The author reconstructs in detail life of the Russian army of Alexander Nevsky’s time and investigates the tactics applied in great battles.
$26.00  Special price: $13.00

Anisov L.M.
M.: 2022. ISBN 978-5-00180-093-4.
В конце XVII века Россия корчилась в родовых муках социальной революции. Ломая и корежа православный московский быт, рождалась франкоязычная, буржуазн...

Volovoi V.
M.: 2011. ISBN 978-5-6994-8282-5.
Official U.S. documents on the site WikiLeaks revealed many details of the anti-Russian foreign policy of the United States. In particular, they refer...
$21.00  Special price: $10.00

Larionov V., Gorodova M.
M.: 2010. ISBN 978-5-9265-0696-6.
Авторами проведено фундаментальное философское исследование. Вопросы истории, философии и теории древнерусской архитектуры осмысливаются как неотъемле...
$32.00  Special price: $13.00

Mukhin IU.I.
M.: 2010. ISBN 978-5-9265-0718-5.
The author studies the reasons for the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945.
$26.00  Special price: $11.00

Mal'tsev N.N.
Kniga 1: M.: 2009. ISBN 978-5-9265-0709-3.
Nikolai Maltsev is a Russian philosopher who on the basis of scientific and religious knowledge came to a rather unexpected but, nevertheless, a consi...
$31.00  Special price: $12.00

Mukhin IU.I.
M.: 2009. ISBN 978-5-9265-0620-1.
The book of the Russia well-known journalist Yuri Mukhin presents the most outrageous facts of disclosing "The Moon landing fake" of the U.S.
$27.00  Special price: $8.00

Obodovskaia I.M., Dement'ev M.A.
M.: 2008. ISBN 978-5-9285-0579-2.
This book comprises letters of the sisters Goncharovs and G. d'Anthes to Baron Louis Heeckeren.
$28.00  Special price: $10.00

Grane M.
M.: 2008. ISBN 978-5-9265-0541-9.
The book is devoted to the ancient Chinese society, its mentality. There is description of social and private Chinese life, family and marital relatio...
$29.00  Special price: $9.00

CHesnokova T.IU.
M.: 2008. ISBN 978-5-9265-0468-9.
About the future and the society of the XXIInd century. Outlines of the famous Russian philosophers, psychologists, writers and the interviews with th...
$28.00  Special price: $10.00
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