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Solongo SH.
II: Ulaanbaatar: 2024. ISBN 9789919978464.

CHoizhilsuren L.
Ulaanbaatar: 2024. ISBN 9789919024109.
Documentary novel.

Hirv I.
Tartu: 2023. ISBN 9789985772089.
Poetry. The third part of the trilogy.

Hirv I.
Tartu: 2023. ISBN 9789985778999.
Poetry. The second part of the trilogy.

Salipa O.
KHarkiv: 2024. ISBN 978-617-551-751-2.
Spring of 1921. Residents of Proskuriv and surrounding villages are waiting for "Petliura to come" again and liberate them from Bolshevik oppression. ...
Vesna 1921 roku. ZHyteli Proskurova i navkolyshnikh sil chekaiut', shcho znovu "pryide Petliura" ta vyzvolyt' ikh vid bil'shovyts'koho hnitu. Na Podilli bezlich po...

Lypa IU.
KHarkiv: 2024. ISBN 978-617-551-778-9.
The publication contains all the preserved poetry and short prose of the Ukrainian writer, physician and thinker Iurii Lypa (1900-1944): more than onc...
Vydannia mistyt' vsiu zberezhenu poeziiu ta malu prozu ukrains'koho myttsia, medyka i myslytelia IUriia Ivanovycha Lypy (1900—1944): ne raz drukovani virshi, dra...

Morentsova-SHulyk O.
KHarkiv: 2024. ISBN 978-617-17-0349-0.
Varia dreams of becoming a chef, creating and reaching a new level. Mom tells her that she can just get married - to a guy from their town. But Varia ...
Varia mriie staty shef-kukharkoiu, tvoryty i vyity na novyi riven'. Mama kazhe ii, shcho mozhna prosto vyity zamizh — za khloptsia z ikhn'oho mistechka. Ta Varia tak u...

Taran L.
Kyiv: 2024. ISBN 978-617-8257-96-5.
"Scandal" is a new collection of short stories by writer and poet Liudmila Taran. The texts collected in this book are a kind of archeology of the ...
"Skandal" — tse nova zbirka opovidan' pys'mennytsi i poetky Liudmyly Taran. Teksty, zibrani u tsii knyzhtsi, — tse svoieridna arkheolohiia perezhytoho: dysyde...

Kucherskaia M., Stepnova M., Novikova A. (ed.) et al.
M.: 2024. ISBN 978-5-7598-2935-5.
sbornik podrobnykh instruktsii dlia nachinaiushchikh i uzhe sostoiavshikhsia pisatelei. V knige sem' razdelov: zhanr, siuzhet, geroi, rabota s fakturoi, stil', redaktu...

M.: 2023. ISBN 978-5-94282-981-0.
Sbornik pamiati Igoria Ivanovicha Vinogradova (1930-2015), rossiiskogo kritika, literaturoveda, zaveduiushchego otdelom kritiki zhurnala «Novyi mir» (1967-197...

Mokii S.
Kyiv: 2024. ISBN 978-617-8299-81-1.
This is a book about the life of young people in the post-war period after the Second World War. The novel tells about a girl who as a teenager had to...
TSe knyzhka pro zhyttia molodi v povoiennyi chas pislia Druhoi svitovoi viiny. Roman rozpovidaie pro divchynu, shcho v pidlitkovomu vitsi mala vantazhyty bomby bilia...

Uku Masing.
Tartu: 2023. ISBN 9789985778975.
The poems are selected in chronological order from the original manuscript to the third volume of unpublished works. In terms of density and depth of ...

Silver Teinbas.
Paernu: 2023. ISBN 9789916668740.

Triinu Kree.
Paernu: 2023. ISBN 9789916668757.

Suislepp P.
Tallinn: 2023. ISBN 9789916421437.
Poetry. The book contains a lot of wisdom about Christmas, family and winter.

Hirv I.
Tartu: 2022. ISBN 9789985777435.
Poetry. The first part of the trilogy.

Kross J.
Tallinn: 2023. ISBN 9789916726532.
Jaan Kross (1920-2007) is known primarily for his historical prose, although he entered Estonian literature in an interesting and noisy way as a poet....

Kivipold K.
Tartu: 2023. ISBN 9789916956199.

Kapper R.
Tallinn: 2023. ISBN 9789916421857.
Poetry. A collection of poems, which is also intended to be played in a group or with the family, as a gift. At the beginning of the book are 10 rules...

Viileberg T.
Tallinn: 2023. ISBN 9789916970911.
Poetry. Rhymed stories about the wall - about the wall, from the Ukrainian war to black and white holes, from biathlon to Oktoberfest.
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