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Minsk: 1992. ISBN 5-7815-1060-5.
The edition includes works and articles on history of development of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus in 1922-1992.
$6.00  Special price: $3.00

Minsk: 1991. ISBN 5-7815-1057-5.
The reference book presents all editions that include note records and phonographic records issued in Belarus in 1918-1989.
$6.00  Special price: 4.00

Minsk: 1995.
Methodological and bibliographic materials devoted to young Belarusian writers.
$8.00  Special price: 1.00

1992: Minsk: 1993.
$6.00  Special price: 1.00

Muraueva A. V. (ed.).
Minsk: 1994.
This index includes all publications on the history of Belarus, historical researches issued at the end of 1991 and during the first half of 1992.
$12.00  Special price: $5.00

Minsk: 1995. ISBN 5-7815-1085-6.
The edition represents the index of works about F. Skaryna - a famous Belarusian scientist and educationalist, one of the first publishers in Eastern ...
$12.00  Special price: 4.00

Minsk: 1995.
World-famous writers, composers, artists, politicians: collection of biographies and short bibliographic reviews.
$10.00  Special price: $2.00

Krivko N., Pulko V., Romantsevich V. et al.
Minsk: 1996. ISBN 985-11-0047-1.
The Russian-Belarusian dictionary includes more than 16,700 words and 14,300 word combinations. It presents a good coverage of general vocalular and m...
$15.00  Special price: $3.00

1995: Minsk: 1995. ISBN 985-01-0079-6.
The yearbook includes astronomical data and information on the history of Belarus, folk holidays and religious fests, gives some advices and folk omen...
$8.00  Special price: 2.00

Radyno IA., SHuba P., Antonevich A.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-339-00916-5.
The dictionary includes basic mathematical terms.
$2.00  Special price: 1.00

Novik U.
Minsk: 1994.
This booklet contains brief information about Belarus: geographic position, review of history, economic system, state system etc.
$5.00  Special price: $1.00

Buza M., Dubkov V., Zimianin L. et al.
Minsk: 1994.
Russian-English-Belarusian explanatory dictionary. It includes about 2,000 expressions on computer science.
$11.00  Special price: $3.00

IUrchanka H.
Tom 1: Minsk: 1993.
The collection of dialect vocabulary of Western Belarus.
$13.00  Special price: $3.00

IUrchanka H.
Tom 2: Minsk: 1996. ISBN 985-08-0001-1.
The collection of dialect vocabulary of Western Belarus.
$13.00  Special price: $3.00

Loban M., Sudnіk M.
Mіnsk: 1990. ISBN 5-341-00373-X.
The orthographic dictionary of the Belarusian language includes about 15,000 words with the most difficult spelling.
$10.00  Special price: 2.00

Vypusk 13: Minsk: 1993.
The 13th volume comprises more than 2000 articles about words used in different works of the XIVth - XVIIIth centuries.
$26.00  Special price: $3.00

Vypusk 14: Minsk: 1996. ISBN 5-343-01218-3.
The 14th volume comprises more than 2,000 articles about words used in different works of the XIVth - XVIIIth centuries.
$26.00  Special price: $4.00

Vypusk 15: Minsk: 1996.
The 15th volume gives expanded explanations on grammar and vocabulary used in different works of the XIV-XVIII centuries.
$26.00  Special price: $3.00

Andryeuskaia Z., Halai I.
Minsk: 1994.
Russian-Belarusian dictionary on terms used in physical geography.
$5.00  Special price: $2.00

Hrabchykau S.
Minsk: 1994.
The dictionary of words in Belarusian language which are alike in pronunciation but are different in meaning. It includes more than 3,300 words with g...
$6.00  Special price: $3.00

Lazouski U.
Minsk: 1994.
The dictionary includes more than 2,000 pairs of antonyms in Belarusian language with examples of using.
$2.00  Special price: $2.00

Liushtsik U.
Minsk: 1997. ISBN 985-08-0034-8.
Contains about 6725 terms.
$6.00  Special price: $3.00

Kasinskaia A., Kurbatava I., Murauiova A. (ed.).
Minsk: 1997.
The index contains information about all books that cover different aspects of disaster in Chernobyl and are dedicated to minimization of its conseque...
$8.00  Special price: $2.00

Vypusk 16: Minsk: 1997. ISBN 985-08-0053-4.
Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language. The 16th volume gives expanded explanations on grammar and vocabulary used in different works of the...
$26.00  Special price: 4.00

№ 29: Minsk: 1997.
The Belarusian Lore. Scientific Digest includes absracts of works in Philosophy, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Arts. The materials are placed in th...
$9.00  Special price: 2.00

IUrchanka H.
Tom 3: Minsk: 1998. ISBN 985-08-0144-1.
Dictionary of folk words and expressions. The most recent (last 10 years) materials collected on the territory of Belarus are used. Volumes 1, 2 are ...
$13.00  Special price: $3.00

Volume 1,2,3,4: Minsk: 1982-1987.
$25.00  Special price: $25.00

CHyzh A.
Homel: 1998.
$6.00  Special price: $1.00

Mensk: 1998. ISBN 985-6012-58-9.
This catalog includes titles and annotations of all independent Byelorussian editions which have been established on the wave of the revival of Belaru...
$18.00  Special price: 3.00

Salamevich IA.
Minsk: 1983.
The dictionary of pen-names used by Belarusian writers and journalists from the XVIth century till the present days.
$5.00  Special price: $3.00
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