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 33 titres pour $2883.6
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4 Documents trouvés:
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Arabadzhian L.
Yerevan: 2018. ISBN 978-99941-0-883-1.
The work is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Armenia in 1988.

Arabadzhian L.
Erevan: 2020. ISBN 978-99930-0-286-4.
This is the third book of Armenian writer. The book contains a short story on topic Covid 19!

Arabadzhian L.
Erevan: 2021. ISBN 9789993002994.
This story is about people who were forced to leave their native lands in search of a better life, about the path they have passed, about longing dilu...
Ýòà èñòîðèÿ î ëþäÿõ, âûíóæäåííî îñòàâèâøèõ ðîäíûå êðàÿ â ïîèñêàõ ëó÷øåé äîëè, î ïðîéäåííîì èìè ïóòè, î òîñêå, ðàçáàâëåííîé â åæåäíåâíûõ çàáîòàõ.

Arabadzhian L.
Erevan: 2023. ISBN 9789993003175.

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