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Kenneth C. Omeje.
Dakar, Senegal: 2015. ISBN 9782869786028.
The Crises of Postcoloniality in Africa is an assemblage of transdisciplinary essays that offer a spirited reflection on the debate and phenomenon of ...

Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe.
Dakar: 2020. ISBN 9782869787230.
The slave trade, the conquest of the Americas and the invasion of Africa have deeply transformed the relations between Europeans and other groups. The...

Mzime Ndebele-Murisa (ed.).
Dakar: 2021. ISBN 9782869787131.
This book provides an analysis of the ecological conditions and ecosystem goods and services of the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB), the fourth largest rive...

Paul Tiyambe Zeleza.
Dakar: 2021. ISBN 9782869789975.
This collection of essays interrogates the repositioning of Africa and its diasporas in the unfolding disruptive transformations of the early twenty-f...

Baba Galleh Jallow.
Banju: 2017. ISBN 9789983946000.

Francis Sarr.
Banju: 2018. ISBN 9789983946062.

Francis Sarr.
Banju: 2017. ISBN 9789983946048.
This book presents a thorough and critical account of the theories and concepts of community health education in an increasingly networked era. It exa...

Patience Sonko-Godwin.
Banjul: 2019. ISBN 9789983990065.
Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region deals with the major ethnic groups of the Senegambia Region, namely: the Wolof, Mandinka, Fula, Jola, Serahule,...

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