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Patience Sonko-Godwin.
Banjul: 2019. ISBN 9789983990065.
Ethnic Groups of the Senegambia Region deals with the major ethnic groups of the Senegambia Region, namely: the Wolof, Mandinka, Fula, Jola, Serahule,...

Francis Sarr.
Banju: 2017. ISBN 9789983946048.
This book presents a thorough and critical account of the theories and concepts of community health education in an increasingly networked era. It exa...

Francis Sarr.
Banju: 2018. ISBN 9789983946062.

Baba Galleh Jallow.
Banju: 2017. ISBN 9789983946000.

Paul Tiyambe Zeleza.
Dakar: 2021. ISBN 9782869789975.
This collection of essays interrogates the repositioning of Africa and its diasporas in the unfolding disruptive transformations of the early twenty-f...

Mzime Ndebele-Murisa (ed.).
Dakar: 2021. ISBN 9782869787131.
This book provides an analysis of the ecological conditions and ecosystem goods and services of the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB), the fourth largest rive...

Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe.
Dakar: 2020. ISBN 9782869787230.
The slave trade, the conquest of the Americas and the invasion of Africa have deeply transformed the relations between Europeans and other groups. The...

Kenneth C. Omeje.
Dakar, Senegal: 2015. ISBN 9782869786028.
The Crises of Postcoloniality in Africa is an assemblage of transdisciplinary essays that offer a spirited reflection on the debate and phenomenon of ...

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