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Dukes J., Slutsky E.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788097040178.
The book presents more than 120 Slovak synagogues on postcards, some long forgotten, many long since disappeared from the map of Slovakia. Read this u...

Takac P.
Kosice: 2023. ISBN 9788097440565.
Slavoj Zizek (born 1949) is a Slovenian philosopher, cultural theorist and public intellectual. He is international director of the Birkbeck Institute...

Ledecky V., Cajova Novotna V.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788088704775.
Everyone knows Vlad Ledecky, as the mayor from Spisske Hrhov. From a village where Roma work and have a harmonious relationship with the majority. It ...

Kolesar J., Lukacova A.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788057050100.
To this day, a wedding in the village of Rejdova represents one of the richest occasions where it is possible to get to know the manifestations of tra...

Adamec I.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788082260987.
Igor Adamec (born 1964) is a Slovak theater and television actor and politician. An irresponsible writer is looking for a last-minute subject to offer...

Stefanik O.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788022213462.
The author brings the Slovak past closer to the reader through the prism of a grammar school professor, a historian who glosses not only Slovak histor...

Nemes L.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788069037007.
A sharp critique of the Slovak social scene over the last 10 years, full of humor and funny observations.

Danis I.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788089550869.
Insignificance is a probe into the current world of politics and manipulation. What is important in society and in personal life and what is not? Mart...

Adamec I.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788089662524.
A great tragicomic story about four aging TV stars who are trying to get back into the spotlight one by one and are willing to do absolutely anything ...

Varcholova J.
Bratislava: 2023. ISBN 9788097219543.
Debut collection of short stories shows the community life of a predominantly younger middle generation, who are crowded together and yet feel lonely....
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