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Doinov P.
Sofiia: 2019. ISBN 9786192330606.
This is a selection of articles, sketches and essays by contemporary Bulgarian poet and literary critic Plamen Doinov (born 1969), taken from his 11 b...
Ýòî ïîäáîðêà ñòàòåé, î÷åðêîâ è ýññå ñîâðåìåííîãî áîëãàðñêîãî ïîýòà è ëèòåðàòóðíîãî êðèòèêà Ïëàìåíà Äîéíîâà (ðîä. 1969), âçÿòûõ èç åãî 11 êíèã ïî èñòîð...

Liubomir Miletich.
Sofiia: 2019. ISBN 9786197496246.
In May 1913, the Bulgarians in the historical region of Eastern Thrace were liberated from Ottoman Turkish rule. Just a month later, their joy turned ...

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