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Pidkova I., Dzhedzhora O.
L'viv: 2000. ISBN 9660216196.
In this dictionary you can find the most important data about poilitical and social events of the world history in XIX - XX centuries, information abo...
$10.00  Special price: $5.00

Mokliak V.O. (ed.).
Tom 5: Poltava: 2013. ISBN 978-966-182-266-4.
$49.00  Special price: $24.00

Makovs'kyi S. K., Selivachov M. R., Savchuk O. O.
KHarkiv: 2019. ISBN 978-617-7538-26-3.
The book is a reprint of the rare album dedicated to the folk art of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which was first published in Prague in Russian, Czech ...

Piddubnyi S.
Kyiv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-1635-80-6.

CHyzhevs'kyi V.
Ivano-Frankivs'k: 2019. ISBN 9789666684748.
The publication covers prerequisites for the formation of the insurgent army and its fight against the Bolsheviks, specifics of the organization of mi...

S. Voevodin.
KHar'kov: 2019. ISBN 978-617-12-6087-0; .
Once in the forest, Oleg’s warriors captured a young magician, the beautiful Mara. The sorceress was able to beg the prince to leave her life in retur...
Odnazhdû v lesu voynû Oleha skhvatyly iunuiu vorozheiu, krasavytsu Maru. Koldun'ia smohla umolyt' kniazia ostavyt' ei zhyzn' vzamen na vernuiu sluzhbu. IUnaia Mara v...

Rodin I.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8538-2.
Before the war in the Donbass, Igor Rodin wrote two books and forty-eight articles on Russian military history. Now he writes the history of his count...
Yhor' Rodyn napysal dve knyhy y sorok vosem' statei po rossyiskoi voennoi ystoryy. Teper' pyshet ystoryiu svoei stranû. Pervûm rezul'tatom stala ýta kny...

KHarchenko G.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8498-9.
Gennady Kharchenko is a historian, translator and economist by education, a resident of Zaporozhye. In the spring of 2014, Gennady voluntarily came to...
Hennadyi KHarchenko - ystoryk, perevodchyk y ýkonomyst po obrazovanyiu, zhytel' Zaporozh'ia. Vesnoi 2014-ho Hennadyi dobro­vol'no pryshel v voenkomat, a letom...

Antonov-Ovseenko A.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8673-0.
The book tells about how humanity throughout the history of its existence has treated and relates to death - from a religious, natural science and phi...
V knyhe rasskazûvaetsia o tom, kak chelovechestvo v techenye vsei ystoryy svoeho sushchestvovanyia otnosylos' y otnosytsia k smerty - s relyhyoznoi, estestvenn...

Pocheptsov G.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8868-0.
The proliferation of new information technologies has exacerbated competition and facilitated cognitive warfare, defining an unprecedented conflict ev...
Rasprostranenye novûkh ynformatsyonnûkh tekhnolohyi usuhubylo konkurentnuiu bor'bu y oblehchylo kohnytyvnuiu voinu, opredelyv bespretsedentnûi konflykt dazhe p...

Makarov P.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8618-1; 978966-03-8618-1 .
The history of Odessa knows many glorious, funny, and sometimes tragic pages. But in spite of any cataclysms, the nature of typically Odessa optimism ...
Ystoryia Odessû znaet mnoho slavnûkh, veselûkh, a ynohda trahycheskykh stranyts. No nesmotria ny na kakye kataklyzmû pryroda typychno odesskoho optymyzma ne m...

Valetov IA.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8735-5.
An adventure novel that you will definitely want to reread. Celebrating the next anniversary of Independence of Ukraine on the Kiev Maidan. A sniper h...
Avantiurnûi roman, kotorûi vam obiazatel'no zakhochetsia perechytat'. Prazdnovanye ocherednoi hodovshchynû Nezavysymosty Ukraynû na kyevskom Maidane. Na tshchatel'...

Valetov IA.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8718-8.
Ukraine. The end of the 90s. The next presidential election is drawing near. One of the largest commercial banks becomes the object of a raider attack...
Ukrayna. Konets 90-kh hodov. Blyziatsia ocherednûe prezydentskye vûborû. Odyn yz krupneishykh kommercheskykh bankov stanovytsia obúektom reiderskoi ataky, za ko...

Vronel' N.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8575-7.
The documentary novel is dedicated to Sabina Shpilrayn - a woman with an amazing and tragic fate. At 19, she became Jung's patient, then his assistant...
Dokumental'nûi roman posviashchen Sabyne SHpyl'rain - zhenshchyne s udyvytel'noi y trahycheskoi sud'boi. V 19 let ona stala patsyentkoi IUnha, potom eho assysten...

Anna Ksso .
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8729-4.
“The Roles a Woman Plays” is a new book by Anna Ksso, which addresses feminism and gender stereotypes through the prism of a woman’s social roles. Thi...
«Roly, kotorûe yhraet zhenshchyna» - novaia knyha Annû Ksso, v kotoroi rassmatryvaiutsia voprosû femynyzma y hendernûkh stereotypov skvoz' pryzmu sotsyal'nûkh r...

KHersonskii B.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8719-5.
The new book of Boris Khersonsky is the fruit of many years of work and the author’s deep interest in the era of the so-called "Dark Middle Ages", whi...
Novaia knyha Borysa KHersonskoho - plod mnoholetnei rabotû y hlubokoho ynteresa avtora k ýpokhe t.n. «temnoho srednevekov'ia», kotoroe, po slovam Stanysla...

Gel'fer D.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8739-3.
“Gray Weekdays of the Gods” is the first book of the dilogy “Synthetic Worlds” by Dmitry Helfer. Synthetic worlds are an invention of scientists of th...
«Serûe budny bohov» - pervaia knyha dylohyy «Syntetycheskye myrû» Dmytryia Hel'fera.Syntetycheskye myrû - vûdumka uchenûkh nedalekoho budushcheho. Esly uzh opût...

Lobusova I.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8741-6.
Zinaida Krestovsky again unravels the mysterious affair. Her college friend Masha Ignatenko lost her groom. He went out to sea on a ship and ... disap...
Zynayda Krestovskaia snova rasputûvaet zahadochnoe delo. U ee ynstytutskoi podruhy Mashy Yhnatenko propal zhenykh. On vûshel na korable v more y... yschez. V...

Teslenko D.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-8772-0.
This book is a first-person story, the recollections of an esportsman, one of the best captains in the world in Counter-Strike, Daniel Zeus Teslenko. ...
Ýta knyha - rasskaz ot pervoho lytsa, vospomynanyia kybersportsmena, odnoho yz luchshykh kapytanov myra v Counter-Strike Danyyla Zeus Teslenko. Na ee stran...

Frizman L.
KHarkіv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-03-7676-2.
The life path and work of a remarkable Ukrainian writer, playwright, historian of Ukraine, Kharkov is examined from the perspective of today.
Yzdatel'stvo «Folyo», hotovia vûpusk «Malorossyiskoi prozû» Hryhoryia Kvytky-Osnov'ianenko (1778-1843), publykuet knyhu L. H. Fryzmana (1935-2018) «Ostro...
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