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Men'shov O.
Kyiv: 2019. ISBN 978-966-948-287-7.
The Ukrainian People’s Republic, summer 1929. Graduate of the Law Faculty Ivan Kychyns'kyi was sent to Khortytsia on the first day of his police servi...

Makovs'kyi S. K., Selivachov M. R., Savchuk O. O.
KHarkiv: 2019. ISBN 978-617-7538-26-3.
The book is a reprint of the rare album dedicated to the folk art of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which was first published in Prague in Russian, Czech ...

Bestvitskaia T.
Kiev: 2018. ISBN 978-617-7349-95-1.
This collection of poetry consists of three parts, separated by principle of the language in which the poems are written. The first chapter, written i...
Ýtot sbornyk stykhov sostoyt yz trekh chastei, razdelennûkh po pryntsypu iazûkovoi prynadlezhnosty. Pervûi razdel «The parts of my soul» nachynaetsia stykhom, k...

Kudlasevich A.
Dnipro: 2017. ISBN 978-617-7599-30-1.
Collection of prose and poetry. Kudlasevich Anatol' is Belarusian poet, prose writer, bard, member of the Writers' Union of Belarus.

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