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Bishkek: 2012. ISBN 9789967248830.

Daniel' Defo.
Bishkek: 2016. ISBN 9789967258914.
Translator Zhamamkulova G., 2nd edition. Epistolary, confessional, and didactic in form, the book is presented as an autobiography of the title charac...

Dzhek London.
Bishkek: 2016. ISBN 9789967281349.
Translator Sultamanliev ZH. Martin Eden is a 1909 novel by American author Jack London about a young proletarian autodidact struggling to become a wri...

ZHapaev ZH., ZHapaev M. (kotor.).
Bishkek: 2016. ISBN 9789967156067(t.1); 9789967156074(t.2); 9789967156227(t.3).
2nd edition. Translation.

ZHusubaliev K.
Bishkek: 2003.
Short stories, novels, narratives.

Otorbaev K.
Bishkek: 2019. ISBN 9789967158740.
2nd edition, first edition was published in 2017. The book is devoted to Omurzak Kudaybergen (1866-1940), famous Kyrgyz akyn, seer, manaschi, comic.

Baigazieva D.M.
Bishkek: 2020. ISBN 978-9967-19-747-3.
The monograph conducts a comprehensive historical and legal study of the property relations of the Kyrgyz, regulated by the norms of customary law, du...
V monografii provoditsia kompleksnoe istoriko-pravovoe issledovanie imushchestvennykh otnoshenii kyrgyzov, reguliruemykh normami obychnogo prava, obuslovlenno...

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