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Voropaeva V.A.
Kniga 1: Bishkek: 2018. ISBN 978-9967-19-586-8.
The book is devoted to the life and multifaceted creative activity of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, twice laureate of the State Pri...

Kasiev N.K.
Bishkek: 2017. ISBN 978-9967-19-513-4.
Memoirs of the Doctor of Medical Science, professor and statesman Naken Kasiev.

sost. CHukulov ZH.T.
Bishkek: 2007 . ISBN 978-9967-24-683-6.
The collection is devoted to functioning and reforming questions of energy sector in Kyrgyzstan. The edition includes points of views of different exp...
$15.00  Special price: $4.00

Bishkek: 2002. ISBN 9967-05-006-3.
The collection contains articles and materials of reports delivered at the international conference "Dialog of cultures: the USA - Kyrgyzstan" conduct...
$19.00  Special price: $3.00

Bishkek: 2001. ISBN 5-8355-1174-4.
Can we cognize the existing world? What is the role of a man in the Universe? These and other questions of existentional philosophy are skillfully con...
$4.00  Special price: $2.00

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