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davit' merkvilaze.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941513077.
After the occupation of Transcaucasia by Soviet Russia, as a result of drawing new borders between the Georgian SSR and the Azerbaijani SSR, part of t...

igor kekelia .
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941504976.
The work presents Vakhushti Bagration's reports on the historical geography of Odisha-Abkhazia, compares them with data from other sources, and also e...

timot'i blauvelti .
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941858543.
Based on extensive research and documents unknown to the general public, this book tells how Nestor Lakoba ruled early Soviet Abkhazia through a netwo...

nat'ia poniava.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941504983.
“Let's study Lazuri” - a self-learning publication. Includes 30 lessons. Easy-to-explain grammar questions are accompanied by exercises, the answers t...

Bezhan KHorava.
Tbilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941504662.
Against the backdrop of the Russian-Caucasian War, the book examines the issues of establishing Russian rule in Abkhazia, the colonialist goals of tsa...
 êíèãå íà ôîíå ðóññêî-êàâêàçñêîé âîéíû ðàññìîòðåíû âîïðîñû óòâåðæäåíèÿ âëàäû÷åñòâà Ðîññèè â Àáõàçèè, êîëîíèçàòîðñêèå öåëè öàðèçìà, ïðè÷èíû ìóõàäæèðñò...

lasa bugaze.
t'bilisi: 2024. ISBN 9789941862212.
The idea for this book arose two years ago, when it became clear that as Stalin's popularity grew, his importance in Russia's information warfare prog...

nino xaratisvili.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941315435.
News from Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet system. Non-documentary novel

salome benize.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941317149.
The book is about Maro Makashvili, national hero of the First Republic of Georgia.

giorgi ceisvili.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941317101.
This book is a kind of attempt to revive and present to the public the tragic, difficult, and sometimes happy adventures of women who lived in Georgia...

artur zutneri.
t'bilisi: 2023. ISBN 9789941504884.
Translation. The Austrian writer and journalist Arthur Gundakar von Suttner became a writer in Georgia. Most of the texts included in the collection w...
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