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Bulatova S.IU., Burdenkov E.A., Vedernikova O.A. et al.
Ekaterinburg: 2020. ISBN 978-5-6042078-4-0.
Elmash is a residential area of Yekaterinburg, located in the north-east of the city, was founded in the 30s, when the Uralelectroapparat plant was bu...
Kniga «Miry El'masha» — eto sem' marshrutov s vospominaniiami ochevidtsev, gazetnymi zametkami, fotografiiami, realizovannymi i neosushchestvivshimsia proektami....

Dalmatovo: Kurgan: 2020.
The book-album tells about the history and the present day of the ancient Ural monastery which was founded in 1644 on the banks of the river Iset in a...
Kniga-al'bom rasskazyvaet o istorii i nastoiashchem dne starinnogo ural'skogo monastyria. Osnovan v 1644 g. na beregu r. Iseti v meste, nazyvaemom «Beloe g...

Sarab'ianov A., Miurrei N., SHakina A.
Ekaterinburg: 2020.
Book-catalog of an exhibition of paintings by the Russian avant-garde from the collections and collections of the Vyatka Art Museum, the Yaransk Museu...
Kniga-katalog vystavki kartin russkogo avangarda iz kollektsii i sobranii Viatskogo khudozhestvennogo muzeia, IAranskogo kraevedcheskogo muzeia i Slobodskogo ...

Korevanova A.G.
Ekaterinburg: 2020. ISBN 978-5-7996-3050-8.
Agrippina Gavrilovna Korevanova (1869 - 1937) was an Ural peasant woman and worker, Russian Soviet writer. She was invited as a delegate to the 1st Co...
Avtor: Agrippina Gavrilovna Korevanova (1869 — 1937) — ural'skaia krest'ianka i rabotnitsa, russkii sovetskii pisatel'. Vsiu zhizn' rabotala na fabrikakh, n...

Ekaterinburg: 2020. ISBN 978-5-8295-0693-3.
The affairs of the fund of the Yekaterinburg City Council of the State Archives of the Sverdlovsk Region from 746 to 813, related to the construction ...
Dela fonda Ekaterinburgskoi gorodskoi upravy Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Sverdlovskoi oblasti s 746 po 813-e, sviazannye so stroitel'stvom (izmeneniem) dom...

Lekhtsier V.
Ekaterinburg: M.: 2020. ISBN 978-5-7584-0456-0.
The book includes selected philosophical and literary-critical texts about modern poetry (2000-2020) by the poet, philosopher, co-editor of the litera...
V knigu voshli izbrannye filosofskie i literaturno-kriticheskie teksty o sovremennoi poezii (2000-2020 gg.) poeta, filosofa, soredaktora literaturno-ana...

Ekaterinburg: M.: 2020. ISBN 978-5-7584-0450-8.
Anthology of modern poets on the "spy" theme.
Antologiia stikhotvorenii «Kogda my byli shpionami» demonstriruet na pervyi vzgliad neozhidannyi interes sovremennykh poetov k «shpionskoi» teme; chto mozhet o...
$17.10  Special price: $8.55

Glebov A.N., Filonova O.I.
Kurgan: 2020. ISBN 978-5-4217-0554-3.
Uchebnoe posobie razrabotano v sootvetstvii s federal'nym gosudarstvennym obrazovatel'nym standartom vysshego obrazovaniia po napravleniiu podgotovki 40.0...

Mosaleva G.V.
Izhevsk: 2019. ISBN 978-5-4312-0748-8.
The monograph is devoted to the study of the temple poetics of the "isographers of Russian literature" A. N. Ostrovsky, N. S. Leskov, I. S. Shmelev.
Monografiia posviashchena izucheniiu khramovoi poetiki «izografov russkoi slovesnosti» A. N. Ostrovskogo, N. S. Leskova, I. S. SHmeleva. Kategorii liturgichnost...

Kupriianova E.V., Stokolos V.S., Petrov N.F. et al.
CHeliabinsk: 2020. ISBN 978-5-7271-1626-5.
Kollektivnaia monografiia predstavliaet soboi pervuiu polnuiu publikatsiiu materialov raskopok mogil'nika bronzovogo veka Stepnoe 25 nachinaia s 1950-kh gg. i z...
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