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9 Einrägen gefunden:
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Sundueva E.V. (ed.).
Ulan-Ude: 2014. ISBN 978-5-7925-0413-4.
Redaktor: Sundueva Ekaterina Vladimirovna, doktor filologicheskikh nauk.

Batts G., Tereshchenko B., Stateinov A.
Krasnoiarsk: 2015.
The book contains novels by famous contemporary Krasnoyarsk writers. Batts was a member of the Russian Writers Union, Tereschenko is a founder of folk...
V knigu vkliucheny tri povesti: G. Batts «Severnaia robinzonada» (G. Batts - chlen Soiuza pisatelei Rossii i KHakasii s 1995 goda. V 2005 godu nagrazhdion pamiat...

Tura: 2014.

Krasnoiarsk: 2014.
The revised edition consists of 2 parts: “Poets of the XVIIIth – the XXth centuries” and “Poets of the XXth – the XXIst centuries” and presents litera...
Antologiia vkliuchaet stikhi poetov s 1762 po 2013 god. Eto izdanie bolee polnoe, ne tol'ko iz-za novykh sovremennykh avtorov, siuda vkliucheny stikhi poetov KHa...

Ansimova I.M.
Krasnoiarsk : 2014. ISBN 978-5-906101-23-5.
On the history of Krasnoyarsk from the XVIIth century up to the present day.
Krasochnyi «Krasnoiarskii kalendar'» rasskazyvaet ob otdel'nykh stranichkakh iz istorii goroda s XVIIveka i konchaia 2014 godom. V knige govoritsia o sobytiiakh...

Lepekhov S.IU., Lepekhova E.S.
Ulan-Ude: 2013. ISBN 978-5-7925-0396-0.
The monograph studies the problems of the adaptation of the Buddhist ideas in Japan and the formation of a Japanese Buddhist clergy and the reflection...

Ulan-Ude: 2014.
$28.80  Special price: $14.40

Bogdanov M.N.
Ulan-Ude: 2014. ISBN 978-5-9793-0654-4.
Avtor: Bogdanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich (1878-1919), deiatel' buriatskogo natsional'no-osvoboditel'nogo dvizheniia nachala XX veka, uchenyi-istorik.

Levchenko V.M. (ed.).
Irkutsk: 2014. ISBN 978-5-7253-2697-0.
$46.80  Special price: $23.40

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SHCHerbakova I. (ed.)
Up the river. Russian senior pupils about the history of the XXth century.
Fain A. M.
Among people.

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