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Kudravets A.
Minsk: 1999. ISBN 985-02-0171-1.
This exquisite edition constitutes a part of a golden series Selected Belarusian Literary Prose of the 20th Century. The author of this book represen...
$22.00  Special price: 3.00

Ptashnikau I.
Minsk: 2000. ISBN 985-02-04696-6.
The novel and several stories from this book narrate about the tragic destiny of thousands Belarusian people, that perished during the horrible days o...
$22.00  Special price: $3.00

Rusetskii A., Rusetskii IU.
Minsk: 2001. ISBN 985-11-0215-6.
Vitebsk is one of the oldest Belarusian cities and its culture has always been of great interest. The offered book covers various periods in the city'...
$27.00  Special price: 14

CHikalov I.R.
Vypusk 2: Minsk: 2002. ISBN 985-435-433-4.
The collection of scientific works was prepared on the initiative of the Department of World History of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University na...
$19.00  Special price: $10.00

CHikalova R.A.
Vypusk 1 : Minsk: 2001. ISBN 985-435-359-1.
Articles by Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian scientists on the main aspects of women and gender theory, touching upon the social status of women duri...
$19.00  Special price: $2.00

Lyn'kou M.TS.
Minsk: 2002. ISBN 985-02-0535-0.
The book of the national writer Mihas Lynkov (1899-1975) includes the best stories.
$24.00  Special price: $3.00

Tom 9, Sshytak 1-2 (16-17): Mensk: 2002.
This scientific journal presents a profound Belarusian historical review. Articles, reports, translations, interviews, reviews and chronicles highlig...
$9.00  Special price: 2.00

Levina G.
Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-6697-28-X .
The first book of poetry by the young poetess Halina Levina contains her poems (with the parallel translation to German) and graphics drawn during her...
$9.00  Special price: 2

Okruzhnaia S.
Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-13-1665-2.
The book of memoirs by Svetlana Okruzhnaia, her thoughts about dramatic art and her story about struggle for her son's life. The talent of the actress...
$18.00  Special price: 3

Nr 4: Bialystok: 2003.
The bulletin includes articles on Russian-Prussian offensives against Duchy of Warsaw in 1811, on psychological aspects of the agrarian reform in Lith...
$6.00  Special price: 2.00

Vypusk 4: Minsk: 1984.
The proposed edition is a striking example of original Belarusian language. The dictionary gives explanations and grammatical analysis of the Belarusi...
$13.00  Special price: 3.00

Mіranovіch IA.
Sankt-Petiarburh: 2003. ISBN 5-94716-032-3.
The author covers the history of Belarus since the XIXth century till the present-day period. He briefly describes all stages of history and tries to ...
$14.00  Special price: 4.00

Minsk: 2003.
The reference book provides information on the latest publications on linguistics, literaure and art. It includes fiction, publicistic and scientific ...
$18.00  Special price: 3.00

Karnilovich E.
Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-01-0425-2.
The author has chosen the most obscure periods and events from history of Belarus. He writes about far remote paganism, enigmatic the XIIth century, ...
$14.00  Special price: 6.00

Letska K.
Hrodna: 2003. ISBN 985-417-508-1.
The monograph is the first scientific research on romanticism origins in Belarus. The author analyzes all tendencies and trades connected with romanti...
$15.00  Special price: 5

Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-6530-20-2.
The book provides information on all registered Belarusian mass media and press services: papers, journals, TV and radio, journalistic organizations, ...
$12.00  Special price: 2.00

Los' E.
Minsk: 1977.
The latest poems and verses by E. Los. The main themes of the poetess are beauty of the nature, constructive work of ordinary people, heroic past and ...
$18.00  Special price: $2.00

Maslova V.
Minsk: 2000. ISBN 985-6479-19-3.
The poetic world of Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) is truly an infinite world. She was one of the most original Russian poets of the XXth-century, the ...
$20.00  Special price: 3.00

Sinila H.
CHastka 1: Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-08-0578-1; 985-08-0581-1.
This book is devoted to the Bible where three religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam are united. In the first part of this series the original texts...
$19.00  Special price: 4.00

Mіnsk: 1994.
This book presents historical-documentary articles about political parties of Belarus at the beginning of the XXth century as well as their program do...
$17.00  Special price: 3.00

Buhaiou D.
Minsk: 2003. ISBN 985-02-0632-2.
Dmitrii Bugaev, professor and nominee of the Iakub Kolas State Award, writes about creative activities, artistic and personal features of a range of w...
$12.00  Special price: 2.00

Vypusk 5: Minsk: 1986.
The fifth volume of the dictionary includes expanded explanations and grammatical analysis of the Belarusian literary language of the XIV-XVIIIth cent...
$14.00  Special price: 4.00

Mahiliou: 2003. ISBN 985-480-015-6.
The book sheds light on the main phases in the history of formation and development of the Belarusian Mahiliou State University named after A.A.Kulias...
$21.00  Special price: 6.00

Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-01-0619-0.
Basic events, scientific grounds and fulfillment of state programs.
$29.00  Special price: $8.00

Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-442-296-8.
$18.00  Special price: $5.00

Martynenko I.E. i dr. (ed.).
Grodno: 2006. ISBN 985-417-795-5.
The book analyzes a number of problems on such questions as criminal bankruptcy, aspects of commitment law, theory of legal entities, family law, cour...
Kamenkov V. S. Kakoi dohovor rehulèruet khoziaistvennye otnoshenèia? Martynenko È. E. Osobennostè è problemy realèzatsèè hrazhdansko-pravovoi zaùèty èstorè...
$22.00  Special price: $3.00

Minsk: 2006.
A review of the activity of museums, libraries, theatres, of the music, cinema and other aspects of Belarusian culture.
$18.00  Special price: $5.00

Adamiuk O.
Minsk: 2006. ISBN 985-6767-55-5.
The monograph analyzes historical legal documents, scientific literature, current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and other countries.
$18.00  Special price: $8.50

CHerkovets O.
Grodno: 2006. ISBN 985-6339-73-1.
The book presents the analysis of factors that have been supporting social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for the last 11 years.
$9.00  Special price: $1.50

Ramanau E.
Mahiliou: 2006. ISBN 985-480-194-2.
Source studies materials and atricles on the history of Mogilev by the outstanding Belarusian ethnographer and archeologist E.Romanov (1855-1922), mat...
$19.00  Special price: $5.00
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