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Andrukhov V.V. i dr.
Tom 2: Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2468-4; 978-985-08-2517-9 (V. 2).
SAFETY OF CITIZENS, SOCIETY, STATE Conceptual Foundations of National Security Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Internal Affairs o...
BEZOPASNOST' HRAZHDAN, OBÙESTVA, HOSUDARSTVA Kontseptual'nye osnovy natsèonal'noi bezopasnostè Vooruzhennye Sèly Respublèkè Belarus' Mènèsterstvo vnut...

Kolesnikov S.D.
Minsk: 2020.

Grebenchuk I.V.
Minsk: 2018. ISBN 978-985-596-174-2.

Manastyrny A.P. и dr. (ed.).
Vypusk 17: Minsk: 2019.

Abramchuk N.A. i dr.
Tom 3: Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2468-4; 978-985-08-2533-9 (v. 3).
The book reflects the stages of the formation and strengthening of Belarusian statehood, socio-economic and humanitarian development, the ongoing stat...

Volod'ko O.A.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-7247-02-8.
The book provides information about Coronavirus and methods to combat it. What is important to know about COVID-19. Symptoms and prevention. Methods o...
Knèha daet ènformatsèiu o Koronavèruse è metodakh bor'by s nèm. CHto vazhno znat' o COVID-19. Sèmptomy è profèlaktèka. Metody lechenèia. Kak otlèchèt' koronav...

Ridevskii G.V.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-7110-49-0.
The influence of the center-peripheral processes on the development of the regions of Belarus is considered. Center-peripheral processes objectively c...
Rassmatrèvaetsia vlèianèe tsentr-perèferèinykh protsessov na razvètèe rehèonov Belarusè. TSentr-perèferèinye protsessy obúektèvno sposobstvuiut rehèonalèzatsèè...

Murashkeyich (Murashko) N.
Kniga 1: Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-71-7247-04-2.
Genealogical research of the noble family, whose representatives have been constantly living on the territory of modern Belarus since the middle of th...
Henealohècheskoe èssledovanèe shliakhetskoho roda, predstavètelè kotoroho postoianno prozhèvalè na terrètorèè sovremennoi Belorussèè s seredèny XV v. è èmel...

Brouka P.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-02-1983-1.
The book of the People's Poet of Belarus Petrus Brovka (1905-1980) includes 100 selected works, many of which have become classics of Belarusian liter...
Knèha narodnoho poeta Belarusè Petrusa Brovkè (1905-1980) vkliuchaet v sebia 100 èzbrannykh proèzvedenèi, mnohèe èz kotorykh stalè klassèkoi belorusskoi lè...

Semak E.A. IAkushenko K.V. (comp.).
CHast' 2: Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-566-636-4; 978-985-566-787-3 (part 2).
Мировая экономика: основные черты и тенденции развития. Теории международной торговли. Современные тенденции развития мировой экономики. Интернационал...
World economy: main features and development trends. Theories of international trade. Current trends in the global economy. The internationalization o...

Mikalai CHarhinets ; per. z rus. Alesia Martsinovicha.
Kniha 1: Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-02-1911-4.
In his novel, Mikalai Charhinets tells about the harsh and heroic times of the Great Patriotic War. The main characters are police officers who selfle...
U sva³m ramane M³kalai CHarh³nets raspaviadae pra surovy ³ hera³chny chas Vial³kai Aichynnai vainy. Halounym³ heroiam³ z’iauliaiutstsa supratsoun³k³ m³l³tsy³, iak³ia s...

Kur'ianovich IU.U.
Minsk: 2019. ISBN 978-985-6867-33-3.
This book tells the story of a talented scientist-chemist, writer, and one of the first Ukrainian aviators Peter Franco (1890-1941). In addition to an...
Hetaia kn³ha apaviadae pra talenav³taha navukoutsa-kh³m³ka, l³taratara, a taksama adnaho z pershykh ukra³nsk³kh av³iatarau Piatra Franko (1890—1941). Akramia na...

Zapartyka H.V.(comp.).
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-02-1985-5.
For the first time, the diaries of four Belarusian writers of the Great Patriotic War are published under one cover. The uniqueness of each is that th...
U vydann³ upershyniu pad adnoi vokladkai drukuiutstsa dzionn³k³ chatyrokh belarusk³kh p³s'menn³kau peryiadu Vial³kai Aichynnai vainy. Vykliuchnasts' kozhnaha u tym, sh...

Bobrova A.G. i dr.
Tom 1: Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2468-4; 978-985-08-2469-4 (v. 1).
The book reflects the stages of the formation and strengthening of Belarusian statehood, socio-economic and humanitarian development, the ongoing stat...
V knèhe otrazhenèe etapy formèrovanèia è ukreplenèia belorusskoi hosudarstvennostè, sotsèal'no-ekonomècheskoho è humanètarnoho razvètèia, provodèmaia hosudar...

Vavra A. i dr.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-11-1217-9.
The album "Rarities of the Military History Museums of Belarus and Russia" is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic ...
Al'bom «Rarètety voenno-èstorècheskèkh muzeev Belarusè è Rossèè» posviaùen 75-letèiu Pobedy v Velèkoi Otechestvennoi voine. V knèhu voshlè èstorèè 100 ekspo...

Lysenko P.F.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2585-8.
The monograph summarizes materials on the economic development of the ancient cities of the Turov land in the 10th – 13th centuries, revealed by archa...
Monohrafèia obobùaet materèaly po ekonomècheskomu razvètèiu drevneishèkh horodov Turovskoi zemlè v KH-KHSH vv., vyiavlennye arkheolohècheskèmè èssledovanèiamè tsen...

Gusakov V.G.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-08-2591-9.
In the publication, based on deep and long-term studies of the theory and practice of agriculture, the author proposes ways and mechanisms for moderni...
V èzdanèè na baze hlubokèkh è mnoholetnèkh èssledovanèi teorèè è praktèkè sel'skoho khoziaistva avtorom predlozheny putè è mekhanèzmy modernèzatsèè otechestve...

Mikhalev I.N.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-596-600-6.
The poems presented in this album were written in different years of their author's creative path. They are very touching, sentimental, sincere, truth...
Predstavlennye v etom al'bome stèkhè napèsany v raznye hody tvorcheskoho putè èkh avtora. Onè ochen' trohatel'ny, sentèmental'ny, èskrennè, pravdèvy ot du...

Taras A.IA.
Ryha: 2020. ISBN 978-9984-897-74-5.

Zlatov .A.A.
Minsk: 2020. ISBN 978-985-90298-9-9.
Cinema is a relatively young art form for the majority of people inhabiting the Earth. It has long been a favorite and one of the most desirable spiri...
Kèno — eto sravnètel'no molodoi vèd èskusstva dlia bol'shènstva naseliaiuùèkh Zemliu liudei, davno uzhe stal liubèmym è odnèm èz samykh zhelaemykh dukhovnykh potreb...
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