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Minsk: 1995.
This monograph includes precise analysis and interpretation of materials collected in the 1st volume of Lexical Atlas of Belarusian Folk-dialects.
$8.00  Special price: 3.00

Vypusk 40: Minsk: 1992.
Scientific issue on theoretical questions of the Belarusian phonetics, lexicology, grammar etc.
$6.00  Special price: 3.00

Bordovich A., Bulakhov M., Voloshenko A.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-339-00769-3.
The edition includes rules of syntax and punctuation of the Russian language with the examples.
$12.00  Special price: $3.00

Hancharova N., Щarbakova I., Korshuk al.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-7855-0639-4.
About 500 Latin proverbs and sayings with Russian, Belarusian, English, French and German equivalents.
$12.00  Special price: 3.00

Ramantsevich V.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-343-01444-5.
Belarusian language for the beginners: grammar, vocabulary and phonetics.
$12.00  Special price: $3.00

Hilevich N.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-343-01445-3.
Articles about the development of the Belarusian language.
$6.00  Special price: $3.00

Vypusk 45: Minsk: 1996.
Scientific serial publication on theoretical questions of Belarusian phonetics, lexicology, grammar, dialects etc.
$16.00  Special price: $3.00

Haurosh N., Kavaleva M., Katsapau L.
Minsk: 1995.
The work covers the aspects of the modern Belarusian language and includes some exercises.
$2.00  Special price: 4.00

Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-343-00742-2.
Phraseological dictionary of the vocabulary involved in works of Ia. Kolas, the famous Belarusian writer. The dictionary includes more then 6,000 arti...
$14.00  Special price: 10.00

Lavrenenkova M., Kovaleva E.
Minsk: 1994.
Text-book of Russian punctuation. It includes tables and is very convenient to use.
$7.00  Special price: $2.00

Rabchinskaia I.
Minsk: 1994.
Text-book of Russian syntax.
$14.00  Special price: $1.00

Mikhailau P., IAshkin I. (ed.).
Minsk: 1992. ISBN 5-343-00738-4.
Dialects of the Belarusian language.
$5.00  Special price: $2.00

Minsk: 1994. ISBN 5-343-00963-8.
Articles on new researches in Belarusian lexicology
$6.50  Special price: $1.00

Vypusk 44: Minsk: 1994.
Scholarly issue on theoretical questions of the Belarusian phonetics, lexicology, grammar, etc.
$6.00  Special price: 3.00

Vypusk 48: Minsk: 1998.
Scholarly serial devoted to theoretical questions of Belarusian phonetics, lexicology, grammar, dialects etc.
$16.00  Special price: 3.00

IUrevich U.
Minsk: 1998. ISBN 985-02-0198-3.
Information about history of origin of Belarusian word, name and place of birth.
$8.00  Special price: 4.00

Saverchanka I.
Minsk: 1998. ISBN 985-6234-07-7.
The work describes all masterpieces that form the heritage of written and printed books of the Renaissance in Belarus. The unique part of Slavic and E...
$16.00  Special price: 6.00

Kamarouski IA., Miatel'skaia E.
Minsk: 1993. ISBN 5-7855-0684-X.
The theoretical material of the book embraces all aspects of the modern Belarusian language. A number of exercises put the theory into practice. Pro...
$8.00  Special price: $2.00

SHur V.
Minsk: 1998. ISBN 985-02-0164-9.
This book deals with the Belarusian personal names, nicknames, pen-names.
$8.00  Special price: 3.00

Blinava E., Haurosh N., Kavaleva M.
Minsk: 1991. ISBN 5-339-00539-9.
The theoretical materials of the book embrace all aspects of the modern Belarusian language. A number of exercises put the theory into practice emphas...
$20.00  Special price: $5.00
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