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Irkutskii komsomol: KHronika sobytii. CHast' 1: 1920-1945 gg.

Irkutsk Komsomol: Chronicle of events. Part 1: 1920-1945
CHast' 1: Irkutsk: Ottisk , 2018. 476 p., il. 24 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-6041444-6-6. 200 copies.  In Russian
The book presents historical chronicles. It contains information that could be found separately in the archives of the Irkutsk region, Moscow and other cities. The story begins with the formation of youth organizations in the early XXth century till 1945.
Statut: En stock régional
[0.960 kg.]
Kniga postroena forme istoricheskikh khronik, v nei sobrany svedeniia, kotorye razroznenno mozhno bylo naiti v arkhivakh Irkutskoi oblasti, Moskvy i drugikh gorodov nashei strany. Povestvovanie otkryvaetsia periodom formirovaniia molodezhnykh organizatsii v nachale 20 veka. 1945-m godom zakanchivaetsia povestvovanie pervoi chasti istorii irkutskogo komsomola. Bezuslovnym dostoinstvom knigi iavliaetsia berezhnost', s kotoroi avtory podoshli k materialu. Eta kniga – nastoiashchaia letopis' epokhi s minimal'noi avtorskoi interpretatsiei. Avtory: Dubrovin Sergei Innokent'evich, Direktor Muzeia istorii goroda Irkutska (s 2015).

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