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Ot veka bronzovogo do veka tsifrovogo : fenomen migratsii vo vremeni : Kollektivnaia monografiia

Migration throughout Times: from the Bronze Age to the Digital Age: = A collective monograph
Barnaul: AltGU , 2018. 436 p. Soft. ISBN 978-5-7904-2258-4. 500 copies.  In Russian. Title and Annotation in English
This multi-authored monograph is the result of the fruitful collaboration between the experts in contemporary and historical migrations – probably a first example of such a collaboration in Russian academic practice. The authors of the book study migrations through the lens of history, archeology, ethnology, demography, sociology and other social sciences. Chronologically speaking, the timeline of the book begins with the intrusion of the “Sea Peoples” into the Eastern Mediterranean (1200–900 BC) and ends with the mid-2010s European migration crisis. The structure of the book facilitates the comparison of different case studies of past and present migrations. It allows the reader to compare and contrast the causes, factors and consequences of migrations that have taken place in different regions and historical eras.
Status: available to be ordered
[0.535 kg.]
Predlagaemaia kollektivnaia monografiia – rezul'tat edva li ne pervoi v rossiiskoi nauke popytki sotrudnichestva spetsialistov po sovremennym i istoricheskim migratsiiam. Ee avtory rassmatrivaiut fenomen migratsii, ispol'zuia podkhody, priniatye v istorii, arkheologii, etnologii, demografii, sotsiologii, politologii i drugikh otrasliakh gumanitarnogo znaniia. KHronologicheskimi ramkami knigi okhvatyvaetsia ogromnyi promezhutok vremeni. Ego nizhniuiu granitsu obrazuet nashestvie na Blizhnii Vostok v pervoi polovine XII v. do n.e. «narodov moria». Verkhniaia granitsa sovpadaet s tak nazyvaemym migratsionnym krizisom, sluchivshimsia v Zapadnoi Evrope v seredine vtorogo desiatiletiia XXI v. n.e. Kniga strukturirovana tak, chtoby legche bylo sootnesti razlichnye case studies iz repertuara proshlykh i nyneshnikh migratsii. Redaktor: Naumkin Vitalii Viacheslavovich, doktor istoricheskikh nauk; Tishkin Aleksei Alekseevich, doktor istoricheskikh nauk.

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