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Integrum: tochnye metody i gumanitarnye nauki.

Integrum: Quantitative Methods and the Humanities
M.: Letnii sad , 2006. 430 p., il. Hard. ISBN 5-98856-007-5. 1000 copies.  In Russian. Title and Summary in English
This book caters for all those who are interested in the present state of Russia and the Russian language, need access to data on Russia in large quantities, and want to use the most up-to-date technology in quantitative methods for researches in the humanities. Here the reader will find a detailed description and comparison of all electronic resources currently available, as well as a number of accounts of research carried out with the help of the Integrum data base. The Integrum data base contains approximately 350 milllion documents relating to Russia and the Russian language, and the database is being constantly enlarged.
$15.00 $7.00
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[0.670 kg.]

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