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Gorokhovetskaia istoricheskaia khronika: Sbornik kraevedcheskikh statei, vypuski tretii chetvertyi i piatyi

Historical chronicle of Gorokhovets: Collection of articles on local lore, issues three, four and five
Vypuski 3-5: Vladimir: Tranzit-IKS , 2018. 312 p., il. Soft. ISBN 978-5-8311-1142-2. 500 copies.  In Russian
The book includes the essay "Grain of Russia" with some information about the life and development of the Gorokhovets region, from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the XXth century.
$28.80 $14.40
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.315 kg.]
V sbornike kraevedcheskikh statei tret'ego vypuska vkliuchen ocherk «Zerno Rusi» s nekotorymi svedeniiami o zhizni i razvitii Gorokhovetskogo kraia, nachinaia so srednikh vekov i do nachala XX stoletiia. V ocherke priveden riad lits, sviazannykh s administrativnoi, khoziaistvennoi i dukhovnoi zhizn'iu nizov'ev Kliaz'my, a tak zhe nekotorye svedeniia ob ikh zhizni i deiatel'nosti. V razdele «Gorokhovchane o proshlom» prakticheski bez izmenenii pomeshcheny biograficheskie ocherki troikh gorokhovchan; kuptsa, krest'ianki i ofitsera russkoi armii, napisannye imi samimi. V razdele «Kalendar' pamiatnykh dat» predstavleny ocherki o liudiakh ostavivshikh sled na Gorokhovetskoi zemle.

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