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Weißrussland / Politik und Wirtschaft /   marc21 | auf Wunschzettel | kaufen
Respublika Belarus' - 25 let sozidanii i svershenii. V 7 tomakh: Agropromyshlennyi kompleks. Arkhitektura i gradostroitel'stvo. Belarus' na mirovoi arene

The Republic of Belarus - 25 years of creations and achievements. In 7 Volumes: Agro-industrial complex. Architecture and urban planning. Belarus on the world stage
tom 4: Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka , 2020. 733 p., il. 24 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-985-08-2468-4; 978-985-08-2534-6 (v. 4). 1000 copies.  In Russian
The volume provides extensive information on the development and formation of the agro-industrial complex of the independent Republic of Belarus, urban planning and architecture at the present stage. The international relations of the Republic of Belarus are covered. The publication is designed for a wide range of readers: civil servants, scientists, teachers, journalists, students, students of colleges and general secondary education institutions, all who are interested in information about modern Belarus. The publication contains 625 color illustrations, 117 tables and figures.
Status: für Bestellung zugänglich
[1.855 kg.]
V tome prèvodiatsia obshèrnye svedenèia o razvètèè è stanovlenèè ahropromyshlennoho kompleksa nezavèsèmoi Respublèkè Belarus', hradostroètel'stva è arkhètektury na sovremennom etape. Osveùaiutsia mezhdunarodnye sviazè Respublèkè Belarus'. Èzdanèe rasschètano pa shèrokèi kruh chètatelei: hosudarstvennykh sluzhaùèkh, uchenykh, prepodavatelei, zhurnalèstov, studentov, uchaùèkhsia kolledzhei è uchrezhdenèi obùeho sredneho obrazovanèia, vsekh, komu ènteresna ènformatsèia o sovremennoi Belarusè. V èzdanèè pomeùeny 625 tsvetnykh èlliustratsèi, 117 tablèts è rèsunkov.

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