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Kavkazskaia SHveitsariia. Chechnya.

Caucasus Switzerland. Chechnya
Groznyi: 2017. 432 p., il., facsimile. 23 cm. Soft. ISBN 978-5-44-904198-2.  In Russian
Documentary saga about Chechen mountains and mountaineers in notes of travelers and scholars of the XIXth century (flora and fauna, ethnographic, anthropological, cultural, folklore, remarks of the Caucasus War of the XIXth century).
Statut: nous recevons votre commande marc21
Dokumental'naia saga o gorakh i gornykh zhiteliakh CHechni v opisaniiakh puteshestvennikov i uchenykh XIX veka. Nauchnye stat'i razlichnykh avtorov XIX – XX vv. Opisyvaetsia priroda, zhivotnyi mir, mnogo etnograficheskikh zarisovok, antropologiia, kul'tura, byt, obychai, skazki, drevnie legendy, interesnye zamechaniia iz Kavkazskoi voiny XIX v. Stat'i predstavleny sokhraneniem dorevoliutsionnoi orfograficheskoi stilistiki bez redaktorskikh izmenenii i sokrashchenii.

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