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Mir v proshlom i nastoiashchem: nabliudeniia, vpechatleniia, razmyshleniia: Monografiia

World in the past and present: observations, impressions, thoughts: Monograph
Arkhangel'sk: SAFU , 2020. 560 p., il. Hard. ISBN 978-5-261-01458-4. 500 copies.  In Russian
The book gives a description of the main trends in the development of international relations in the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century. Based on personal observations and thoughts of the author on the basis of trips to countries of Asia, Africa, America and Europe, their past and present, current problems of domestic and foreign policy, and everyday life of society and citizens are analyzed.
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein marc21
V knige daetsia kharakteristika osnovnykh tendentsii razvitiia mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii vo vtoroi polovine XX - nachale XXI veka. Na osnove lichnykh nabliudenii i razmyshlenii avtora po materialam poezdok po stranam Azii, Afriki, Ameriki i Evropy analiziruetsia ikh proshloe i nastoiashchee, aktual'nye problemy vnutrennei i vneshnei politiki, povsednevnaia zhizn' obshchestva i grazhdan.

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