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 19 Bücher auf $939.5
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Weißrussland / Bibliographie /   marc21 | auf Wunschzettel | kaufen
Akademik Leonid Ivanovich Kiselevskii : Biobibliografiia uchenykh Belarusi

Academician Leonid Ivanovich Kiselevsky: Biobibliographical index
Minsk: Kovcheg , 2002. 122 p. Soft. 200 copies.  In Russian
The edition presents a bibliographical index of research articles of L.Kiselevsky, one of the founders of plasma physics and plasma technology in Belarus, as well as selected articles by other scientist and biographical materials.
$16.00 4.00
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.171 kg.]

ID auf diesem Computer speichern
$6.00  .00
Antanevich A. V.
Slounik muzychnykh t...
$2.00  $2.00
Bellow S
Pana la Ierusalim si...
$8.00  $1.00

Valstybes Tarnyba
$29.00  $14.00
Rosenko M.N. (ed.)
Natsii i etnosy v so...
$18.00  $9.50
Tiumentsev I.O. (ed.)
Voprosy kraevedeniia
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