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"Sel'skoe chtenie" Vladimira Odoevskogo: Monografiia

"Rural Reading" by Vladimir Odoevsky: Monograph
Tver': Izdatel'stvo M.IU. Batasovoi; TvGU , 2018. 112 p., il. Hard. ISBN 978-5-6040897-2-9. 500 copies.  In Russian
This monograph is the first experience in studying the miscellany "Rural Reading", which V.F. Odoevsky published together with A.P. Zablotsky-Desyatovsky in the 1840s. The book covers both fiction and popular science texts, hard-to-reach works are published.
Status: für Bestellung zugänglich
[0.130 kg.]
Dannaia monografiia — pervyi opyt izucheniia al'manakha «Sel'skoe chtenie», kotoryi V.F. Odoevskii izdaval sovmestno s A. P. Zablotskim-Desiatovskim v 1840-kh gg. Pedagogika Odoevskogo — slozhnaia sistema, vliianie kotoroi do sikh por ne poluchilo dolzhnoi otsenki. V knige rassmatrivaiutsia kak khudozhestvennye, tak i nauchno-populiarnye teksty, republikuiutsia trudnodostupnye proizvedeniia. Osoboe vnimanie udeliaetsia vospriiatiiu idei Odoevskogo tverskimi pedagogami. Avtor: Nikodimova Anastasiia Andreevna

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