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Western Siberia / History /   marc21 | To my Bookshelf | Buy
Etnoreligioznye protsessy v transgranichnom prostranstve Zapadnoi Sibiri, Kazakhstana i Mongolii v kontekste gosudarstvennoi politiki v XX - nachale XXI v: Kollektivnaia monografiia

Ethnoreligious processes in the cross-border space of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia in the context of state-confessional policy in the XX - the beginning of the XXI centuries
Vypusk 1: Barnaul: AltGU , 2019. 267 p., color il. 29 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-7904-2384-0. 500 copies.  In Russian. Title, Annotation and Contents in English
The collective monograph is based on the analysis of a wide range of archival sources and legal documents; it presents the results of studying the development of the ethno-religious situation in Western Siberia and contiguous regions of Kazakhstan at the end of the Imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The monograph examines the influence of the state-confessional policy on the position of the followers of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Old Believers, the Catholic Orthodox and Muslim communities of Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. Special attention is paid to the assessment of modern ethno-religious processes in the cross-border space of the Russian Altai, Kazakhstan and Mongolia with considering the results of sociological research.
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[0.905 kg.]
Na osnove analiza shirokogo kruga arkhivnykh istochnikov i normativno-pravovykh dokumentov predstavleny rezul'taty izucheniia razvitiia etnoreligioznoi situatsii v Zapadnoi Sibiri i sopredel'nykh raionakh Kazakhstana v kontse imperskogo, v sovetskii i postsovetskii periody. Rassmotreno vliianie gosudarstvenno-konfessional'noi politiki na polozhenie posledovatelei Russkoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi Moskovskogo patriarkhata, staroobriadcheskikh, katolicheskikh, protestantskikh i musul'manskikh obshchin Zapadnoi Sibiri i Kazakhstana. Osoboe vnimanie udeleno otsenke sovremennykh etnoreligioznykh protsessov v transgranichnom prostranstve Rossiiskogo Altaia, Kazakhstana i Mongolii s uchetom rezul'tatov sotsiologicheskikh issledovanii. Avtor: Dashkovskii Petr Konstantinovich, doktor istoricheskikh nauk.

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