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Punktuatsiinyi slovnyk-dovidnyk.

Punctuation Dictionary Directory
L'viv: Apriori , 2019. 396 p. Hard. ISBN 978-617-629-573-0.  In Ukrainian
The proposed reference book is the first edition of this type, created on the Ukrainian language material. It uses a dictionary form to reveal the features of Ukrainian punctuation. The dictionary registration contains official and independent parts of speech, before or after which you need to put a certain punctuation mark, as well as words, phrases or whole syntactic constructions that require separation in the text. The list of standard punctuation marks with punctuation rules for them is also included in the list of registry words ....
Statut: nous recevons votre commande marc21
Predlahaemûi spravochnyk - pervoe yzdanye takoho typa, sozdannoe na ukraynskom iazûkovom materyale. V nem yspol'zovana slovarnaia forma dlia raskrûtyia osobennostei ukraynskoho punktuatsyy. Rehystratsyia slovaria soderzhyt sluzhebnûe y samostoiatel'nûe chasty rechy, pered kotorûmy yly posle kotorûkh nuzhno stavyt' opredelennûi znak prepynanyia, a takzhe slova, slovosochetanyia yly tselûe syntaksycheskye konstruktsyy, kotorûe trebuiut v tekste otdelenyia. V sostav reestrovûkh slov vkliuchen y perechen' typovûkh znakov prepynanyia s pravylamy punktuatsyy dlia nykh....

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