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Zbornik navukovykh prats Akademii pasliadyplomnai adukatsyi: Navukovae vydanne

Collected Scholarly Works of the Post-Qualifying Education Academy : Scholarly edition
Vypusk 15: Minsk: Akademiia pasliadyplomnai adukatsyi , 2017. 426 p. 20 cm. Soft. ISSN 1814-3938. 100 copies.  In Russian and Belarusian
The scholarly collection discusses current problems of pedagogy and psychology, including the essence of the research approach in teaching, the specifics of the formation of pedagogical professionalism and the process of its development, defines the types of management in the educational system, the mechanisms of formation of interpersonal relations.
$30.00 $15.00
Statut: En stock régional
[0.505 kg.]
V nauchnom sbornèke obsuzhdaiutsia aktual'nye problemy pedahohèkè è psèkholohèè, v tom chèsle è suùnost' èssledovatel'skoho podkhoda v obuchenèè, spetsèfèka formèrovanèia pedahohècheskoho professèonalèzma è protsessa eho razvètèia, opredeliaiutsia tèpy upravlenèia v sèsteme obrazovanèia, mekhanèzmy formèrovanèia mezhlèchnostnykh otnoshenèi.

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