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Ot volosti Demena... Spas-Demenskii krai vchera i segodnia: Desiat' let spustia

From the Demen volost ... Spas-Demensky krai yesterday and today: Ten years later
Kaluga: Mozhaisk: Fridgel'm; Mozhaiskii poligraficheskii kombinat , 2019. 336 p., color il. 22 cm. Hard. ISBN 978-5-905756-52-8. 1000 copies.  In Russian
The continuation of the study of local lore “From the Demen volost ...” (Kaluga, 2019) contains materials on the recent history of the Spas-Demensky district of the Kaluga Region, starting from the Great Patriotic War and ending with the events of the 21st century. The book includes memories on the Spas-Demen villages, many of which are now empty or extinct.
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Prodolzhenie kraevedcheskogo issledovaniia «Ot volosti Demena...» (Kaluga, 2019) soderzhit materialy po noveishei istorii Spas-Demenskogo raiona Kaluzhskoi oblasti, nachinaia s Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny i zakanchivaia sobytiiami 21 veka. Nemalo mesta zanimaiut vospominaniia o spas-demenskikh derevniakh, mnogie iz kotorykh seichas uzhe opusteli ili ischezli.

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