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Liudvig Rabenek i ego potomki – osnovateli SHCHelkova kak goroda.

Ludwig Rabenek and his descendants are the founders of Shchelkova as a city
SHCHelkovo: Meshchera , 2019. 128 p., il. Soft.  In Russian
The book tells about the incredibly rich German dynasty in Russia, whose founder, Ludwig Rabenek (was born in 1791), left his native Elberfeld with "many debts."
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[0.165 kg.]
Liudvig Rabenek rodilsia v 1791 g. v Engere (Vestfaliia). V 1831 g. on priekhal v Moskvu i osnoval fabriku po okraske priazhi na reke Kliaz'me imeniia svoego druga Kionemana. V knige rasskazyvaetsia o neveroiatno razbogatevshei v Rossii nemetskoi dinastii, osnovatel' kotoroi, Liudvig Rabenek, pokinul rodnoi El'berfel'd so "mnogimi dolgami".

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