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Trudy Gosudarstvennogo muzeia istorii Sankt-Peterburga: Muzei Starogo Peterburga 1907-1919. Issledovaniia i materialy

Works of the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg: Museums of Old Petersburg 1907-1919. Studies and materials
Vypusk 17: SPb.: GMI (Muzei istorii S.-Peterburga) , 2008. 296 p., il. 20 cm. Soft. ISBN 978-5-902671-63-3.  In Russian
The anniversary issue of the almanac presents the documents from the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg related to the establishment of the Museum of Old Petersburg and to the first decade that initiates the collection of materials on the history of St. Petersburg, the study and conservation of ancient monuments.
$31.00 $14.00
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[0.417 kg.]

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