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Azerbaïdjan / Politique /   marc21 | à Mes livres | acheter
Teplye vetry: Baku - Moskva

Warm winds: Baku - Moscow
Baku: Ziia , 2019. 392 p. Hard. ISBN 978-9952-8305-2-1.  In Russian
The book tells about the citizens of Azerbaijan who defended the Soviet Union in the years when the mortal danger of fascist aggression hung over it. The book contains materials about the Azerbaijani diaspora in Russia, communities and their activists, the media in which Azerbaijani citizens are employed.
Statut: nous recevons votre commande marc21
Kniga povestvuet o grazhdanakh Azerbaédzhana, vstavshikh na zaùitu Sovetskogo Soþza v gody, kogda nad nim navisla smertelünaÿ opasnostü fashistskoé agressii. Kniga soderzhit materialy ob azerbaédzhanskoé diaspore Rossii, obùinakh i ikh aktivistakh, sredstvakh massovoé informaöii, v kotorykh zanÿty azerbaédzhanskie grazhdane.

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