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Moscou / Économie /   marc21 | à Mes livres | acheter
A Century of Stocks and Bonds. The Securities of Imperial Russia.
M.: URALSIB , 2005. 400 p., il. 31.5x24.5 cm. Hard. 1000 copies.  In English
The illuminated glossy edition researches into the history of formation of the securities market in Russia from the first issues of government bonds at the turn of the XVIIIth century to 1917, reflecting its dynamics, structure, corresponding legal base and state regulation, companies engaged in operations with securities, their emission and distribution. Multiple color photos of all kinds of security papers of the pre-revolutionary Russia occupy the major part of the publication. The edition copy number is 0637.
$199.00 $99.00
Statut: En stock régional
[3.447 kg.]

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