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1937-2017: trudy i dni Severodvinskogo teatra: Istoriko-prosvetitel'skoe izdanie v dvukh knigakh. Kniga 2: istoricheskii ocherk s prilozheniiami

1937-2017: works and days of the Severodvinsk Theater: Historical and educational publication in two books. Book 2: Historical essay with applications
Kniga 2: Severodvinsk: Severodvinskii dramaticheskii teatr; Severodvinskaia tipografiia , 2017. 447 p., il. Hard. 200 copies.  In Russian
The publication presents: an essay on the history of drama theater and the memories of eyewitnesses, reviews of performances and creative portraits, a playlist, photographs and other documents that reveal the activities of the oldest cultural institution of Sudostroi - Molotovsk - Severodvinsk.
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Vyshla vtoraia kniga istoriko-prosvetitel'skogo izdaniia «1937-2017: trudy i dni Severodvinskogo teatra». V izdanii predstavleny: ocherk ob istorii dramaticheskogo teatra i vospominaniia kritikov-ochevidtsev, retsenzii na spektakli i tvorcheskie portrety, repertuarnyi perechen', fotografii i drugie dokumenty, raskryvaiushchie deiatel'nost' stareishego uchrezhdeniia kul'tury Sudostroia — Molotovska — Severodvinska. Svedeniia o redaktore: Nefedov Andrei, zhurnalist i teatral'nyi kritik, okonchil teatrovedcheskii fakul'tet Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennoi akademii teatral'nogo iskusstva, sotrudnik gazety «Severnyi rabochii», zhurnala "Giperborei", gazety «Vechernii Severodvinsk», sostavitel' i izdatel' posmertnoi knigi A. Sazonova «Sochineniia» (2003), chlen Soiuza teatral'nykh deiatelei RF.
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