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Kul'tura puteshestvii v Serebrianom veke: issledovaniia i retseptsii: Kollektivnaia monografiia

Travel culture in the Silver Age: explorations and receptions: Multi-author monograph
Ekaterinburg: M.: Kabinetnyi uchenyi , 2020. 300 p. Soft. ISBN 978-5-7584-0399-0.  In Russian
This book is a peculiar attempt to reconstruct the Silver Age, its multi-layer artistic culture, everyday, life-creating and artistic practices through travel optics. Traveling creates a special vector of tension in the dialogue of eras, since our ultimate goal is not just the actualization of the Silver Age in the space of modern culture, but the description of modernity through historical analogies and projections. The book consists of scientific articles, essays, sayings, interviews, poetic texts and prose sketches. Among the poets: Alexander Blok, Konstantin Balmont, Boris Pasternak, Vasily Kamensky, Andrei Bely, Marina Tsvetaeva, Vladimir Narbut.
Status: von regionalen Vorhandensein
[0.300 kg.]
Eta kniga — svoeobraznaia popytka rekonstruirovat' Serebrianyi vek, ego mnogosloinuiu artisticheskuiu kul'turu, povsednevnye, zhiznetvorcheskie i khudozhestvennye praktiki cherez optiku puteshestvii. Puteshestviia sozdaiut osobennyi vektor napriazheniia v dialoge epokh, poskol'ku nashei konechnoi tsel'iu iavliaetsia ne prosto aktualizatsiia Serebrianogo veka v prostranstve sovremennoi kul'tury, no opisanie samoi sovremennosti cherez istoricheskie analogii i proektsii. Kniga sostoit iz nauchnykh statei, esse, vyskazyvanii, interv'iu, poeticheskikh tekstov i prozaicheskikh nabroskov. Sredi poetov: Aleksandr Blok, Konstantin Bal'mont, Boris Pasternak, Vasilii Kamenskii, Andrei Belyi, Marina TSvetaeva, Vladimir Narbut.
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